Position of the cutlery on the table

Knowing the position of the silverware on the table is necessary to make a special dinner and show that you are an excellent host.

However, it is a knowledge that not all people have, and sometimes it becomes necessary. Especially if Christmas Eve is approaching and you have decided to celebrate it at home with all your family and friends.

If you have no idea how to arrange the cutlery on the table, congratulations! We’ve come to show you the answer you’re looking for. In the next entry we will not only tell you what position the cutlery should have, but also how to use it and what each one of them is for. Let’s start!

Position of the cutlery on the table

posición de los cubiertos en la mesa

Before learning the correct position of the cutlery on the table, you must first know which pieces your cutlery should have. The most essential pieces of cutlery are:

  • Spoons.
  • Forks.
  • Knives.

Both for the table and for dessert, without forgetting a ladle and ladle to serve.

If the occasion is more formal and the guests more sophisticated, it is good to have fish cutlery, a spoon for sauce, an ice cream spoon and other pieces.

The cutlery on the table should be placed as follows:

  • The cutlery is placed from the outside to the inside, in reverse order of use.
  • The cutlery is placed 3 or 4 centimetres away on each side of the plate.
  • The knife is placed on the right side of the plate, with the blade pointing to the center of the table.
  • The spoon is placed to the right of the knife with the concavity upwards and pointing at the centre of the table.
  • The fork goes on the left side of the plate, with the tips up.
  • Dessert cutlery is placed on top of the plate. They are usually placed at the moment of serving the desserts.

It takes into account the level of sophistication of your guests. A good host should not confuse his guests with unfamiliar and very difficult to use pieces.

How do I use the cutlery at the table?

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It can seem very overwhelming the amount and order of the cutlery on the table. That’s why we teach you how to use each one:


  • Tabletop: Serves most dishes.
  • For salad: Used when the salad is served as a starter.
  • For fish: Used to separate the different parts of the fish.
  • Oyster: Used to remove the mollusk from the shell.
  • For snails: They serve to extract the meat while holding the snail with the tweezers.
  • For dessert: It is the smallest of all.
  • For fruits: It’s similar to dessert, but lighter.
  • For carving: It is only used to hold the meat while it is cut with a knife.
  • For service: Used to serve the food on the plates.


  • Table or soup: It’s the biggest of all.
  • For dessert: Used for most desserts.
  • For caviar: It has a long handle and the tip is very round and small.
  • For coffee or tea: It is only used to mix sugar or milk in the hot drink.
  • Consommé: It is smaller than a soup spoon and wider than a dessert spoon.
  • Salad: Used to mix the ingredients and serve the salad.


  • Tabletop: Used to cut the food and push it.
  • For meat: It is very sharp and with the saws well marked, to cut the meat easily.
  • Fish: Its function is to separate the meat from the fish.
  • For dessert: You can use it as a pusher or to cut fruits or cakes.
  • Butter: Its function is to spread the butter on the breads.
  • For cheese: Its shape will depend on the type of cheese being served.
  • Bread: Their shape and size vary, but they will always have the saws marked to cut the bread.

And after eating… What do I do with the silverware?

Did you know that you can communicate a message through cutlery? Yes, you can, depending on the position in which you place your cutlery when you finish eating.

The position of the cutlery can indicate:


You do this by leaving the cutlery resting on top of the plate at a 90-degree angle in the beak. Each one is its corresponding side. The knife with the sharp point inwards and the fork with the tips downwards.

Next plate

It consists of placing the cutlery in the shape of a cross in the centre of the plate. The knife is placed first with the sharp point to the left and the fork with the tips upwards.


The cutlery is placed horizontally, parallel to each other and with the handle to the left.


The cutlery is left parallel to each other and perpendicular, with the handle down.

I didn’t like it

The cutlery is placed in the same position to give a break, but with the tip of the knife between the teeth of the fork.

What you should never do after using the cutlery is to put it back on the tablecloth or somewhere else other than the plate.

Where to buy cutlery?

When it comes to a formal dinner we are used to using silverware, crystal glasses and porcelain dishes. However, sometimes it is a good option to set the table with plastic cutlery. There are many models with different finishes, with which you will also achieve a perfect decoration on your table.

In single use we offer you metallized plastic cutlery that simulate stainless steel cutlery very well. Also, you will find premium plastic cutleryThey are ideal for special events, as they offer practicality and efficiency without having to give up quality.

Remember that setting the table is not exclusive to the upper social class. It’s all about making sure that people live together at the table in a cordial, pleasant and satisfactory manner.

So far our post about the position of the cutlery on the table. Don’t forget to visit our shop! We have the best deals on plastic cutlery and tableware in general. Not only will you save money, but you will also save time and energy by not having to wash the cutlery after the meal.

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