Preservatives for sauces. Why have them at home?

The preservatives for sauces are containers made of any material, designed to contain, handle and protect certain foods.

When buying conservative packaging for sauces, you must be very careful. Not only because of the quality of the product, but also in the type of material with which it has been made. In the end, these will be in direct contact with your food.

If you want to open your own prepared food business and plan to combine its flavors with rich dressing sauces, you should read the end of this post! Don’t limit yourself, and put your culinary creativity and imagination to work.

Useful and simple tips for preserving sauces

Conservadores para salsas

Before you start making delicious sauces, consider these useful and easy tips.


Hygiene is a very important factor in everything related to industrial or homemade food. You must wash and sanitize very well all the utensils that you will use in the elaboration of your sauces, to guarantee clean products.

It is advisable that you use gloves and hairnets to avoid transferring any unwanted residue. You should also wash your preservatives for sauces with antiseptic products and boil them for at least 10 minutes.


Once the sauces are finished, you can pour them even when they are hot into the containers you have set aside for them.

These containers must be previously sterilized and if you are going to reuse them, make sure you comply with the entire sterilization process. When the product cools down, you will be able to refrigerate the preservers according to your needs or those of your business.


You should choose those with the best appearance and quality, and at the same time that have the lowest cost so that you make a very good investment.


It is one of the most widely used methods for preserving the freshness and quality of sauces. Your products will not lose texture, colour or taste with this method, as artificial additives are eliminated or reduced.

Main manufacturing materials of the preservatives for sauces

Below, we show you the most commonly used materials for making preservatives for sauce today:

  • Glass. It has multiple properties that make it possible to use them again and again, but the energy cost to recycle them is very high.
  • Paper and Cardboard. Both are made from cellulose that comes from wood. The waste can be used as compost in the environment, being biodegradable.
  • Metal. It is an expensive material that can be recycled, although with high energy costs. It is mainly used to make cans.
  • Synthetic plastics. In some cases they have replaced glass, paper, cardboard and metal, since they have good mechanical properties and low cost. They are moldable, and you can change the color and other characteristics, depending on the need.
  • Biodegradable plastics. They are produced in nature during biosynthesis and are decomposed under the enzymatic action of microorganisms and are not recycled.
  • Active and intelligent packaging. They contain substances that interact with the food, extending its shelf life, absorbing oxygen and ethylene. All this, regulating the amount of water or antioxidant substances.

What are the advantages of having sauce preservatives at home?

Having these practical products at home gives us excellent advantages that are worth enjoying:

  • Always ready. At lunchtime you will have your sauces ready in their respective preservatives without wasting time, making them every time.
  • You will gain time. Having your sauce ready, you will only have to look for the one you prefer with your food and enjoy!
  • Saving money and resources. When preparing your sauces in great amount you will save money, since buying in bulk the costs will be lower. In addition, you will perform a single procedure, saving electricity and water.
  • They are safe to consume. The fact that they are stored in preservatives does not imply that the sauces lose flavor, color or texture. You just have to make sure you sanitize all your preservatives very well before putting them in them.
  • They are made by you. When you prepare all your foods, including the sauces to go with them, you have no doubt about their nature.

Buying guide of preservatives for sauces

When buying your ideal preservatives you should follow certain tips and advice to make the right decision.

  1. Choose correctly the material in which you want your curators, you must also take care of the size, colors and shape.
  2. You should choose products that are easy to handle and offer adequate grip, i.e. that make your life easier.
  3. Your preservatives should match your kitchen or business, they should be safe for everyone to handle.
  4. Maybe you are one of those people who want to save the planet, then visit Monouso where we offer you a lot of environmentally friendly products.
  5. On our website we offer you preservatives for sauces made from recycled materials, disposable and biodegradable products.
  6. Choose products with beautiful and varied designs and that are accessible to your pocket, at Monouso we also have this for you. Daily offers in different materials, aiming to keep the planet alive with natural resources.

The main conservative packaging of reusable and biodegradable sauces that we have for you are

  • Conservatives made from sugar cane. These are biodegradable containers par excellence and are made from the remains of this plant. They present you with various models and multiple uses.
  • Plastic containers. They stand out because of their economic prices and are ideal for storing and transporting food. They are also very resistant and hygienic.
  • Black PP container with lid. They come in useful kits of 15 units, which are resistant and have a lid that fits perfectly.

Care for the environment with sauce preservatives

Our main objective is to take care of the environment and preserve its biodiversity, for this reason our website presents you with an extensive inventory of products in the ecological sector.

All of them are suitable for the hotel and catering industry, special occasions and family meals without losing the ecological aspect. our environment. At Monouso we understand that over the years it has become obvious to increase the use of planet friendly products.

We invite you to visit our website to realize that our concern for the environment and the planet is obvious.

Monouso is the best option for you, do not hesitate to visit us, you will be pleasantly surprised with our impeccable sales service and fast delivery.


What are the keys to preserving sauces?

Hygiene, packaging, ingredients, pasteurization.

What materials are sauce preservers made of?

Glass, paper and cardboard, metal, synthetic plastics, biodegradable plastics and active and intelligent packaging.

Advantages of homemade sauces

They are always ready, you will save time, money and resources.

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