What is and uses of the QR code in restaurants

QR codes are here to stay. As part of the adoption of technology as a tool in people’s daily lives, the QR code is gaining more space every day and offers us help in the most diverse situations.
The QR is a simple code to use. Just by reading the figure with a camera on your mobile or tablet, you will have access to information related to the product, site or interest.
Thus, the QR code in restaurants is beginning to be seen more and more frequently to help speed up the activities inherent to the premises.
Stay with us and know what are the uses you can give to the QR code inside your restaurant to offer the best service.
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What is a QR code?
The QR code is a quick response code that was developed under some of the premises of the famous bar code. This code has the ability to contain information in a typical bar code or in a dot matrix.
The QR code can be read with the camera of any mobile device. It immediately opens the information it contains.
Usually, the response we receive in an image, an ebook, some product catalog, a website, an email, an archive, a profile of any social network or an address marked on a map can be linked to any digital product.
This code was invented by the Japanese company Denso Wave in order to scan and read the information in the code in a simple and fast way. It was designed with three squares in its corners so that the reader can easily find the QR code.
Characteristics of the QR codes
As every code, there are a number of aspects that determine how it works and how it is used.
Some of the features of the QR code are
- The QR code consists of black and white modules that can be customized by companies while using a light color and a dark color so that the reader can read the code without problems.
- They can have a matrix of 21×21 or 177×177 modules, although for the codes that are generated for all the public their matrix varies between 25×25 modules and 29×29 modules.
- The QR code, by quickly directing people to the files it contains, reduces the search time for any information.
- They have the ability to retain audio-visual files to draw the attention of the people scanning the code.
- In addition to being read by readers included in smart phones, they can be scanned by computers or tablets.
Uses and utilities of the QR code in restaurants
Having a QR code in restaurants sets you apart from the competition by providing the information that diners and potential customers need just by scanning with a reader.
There are phones that include a QR code reader and in case you don’t have it you can get it from the app store related to your operating system.
Although it may not seem like it, this code is an important part of your restaurant’s marketing, since you have the freedom to present promotions, offers and even give discount coupons to the people who scan it.
To help you in the digitalization of your restaurant, we will give you some ideas about how you can use QR codes in your business:
General information about the restaurant
Place within the QR code a direct access to your website so that they can see important information such as the theme of your restaurant, the address, contact numbers, the menu with the dishes you serve and the restaurant’s social networks.
Another advantage is that you will be able to make reservations without having to move from the place where you are through the website, phone calls or emails.
Finally, they will have the space to leave their opinion about the service they received in the restaurant and the quality of the dishes in a comment section or with stars.
Reward loyalty
When people use the reader to scan the code and enter your restaurant’s website, it is ideal to offer them discounts or promotions so that they come back soon.
In addition to granting coupons for offers or discounts, take advantage of the web platform to hold contests with your potential customers and frequent flyers.
Under this method you can observe the effectiveness of the QR code and the number of people visiting your restaurant’s page when scanning it or using search engines.
Effective advertising method
Regardless of the advertising campaigns you run, add the QR code in some corner and in a visible way so that people are curious, scan the code and visit the information you want to spread.
Once inside your website you will find offers, discounts and all the information you need to know about your restaurant to motivate people to visit it.
It is also important to place the QR code on the restaurant’s business cards, in case people need information beyond your contact forms.
Not many people feel they have the time to decide what they want to eat at your restaurant, so it’s ideal to add the QR code to the menu so that when they scan it they can read the dishes in detail and make a decision.
In this digital menu, diners must press the dishes that attract their attention and display each of the ingredients it contains and its method of preparation, as well as the drinks you serve, including alcoholic ones.
Similarly, it is important to add the nutritional table for each dish.
This information is vital for people with restrictions on high-calorie foods or warnings for people with allergies to products such as sugar, seafood or gluten.
If you design your menu in the form of a catalogue you can put all the relevant information about each dish and place a reference image for customers to choose which dish they like best.
Fluidity in taking the order
By adding the QR code to the menu, customers can enter the restaurant’s page and add the dishes they want to order to the table they are sitting at.
With this functionality, the waiters would be dedicated exclusively to providing excellent table service and the kitchen would speed up the cooking process of the dishes.
The customer’s opinion matters
After scanning the QR code in restaurants and visiting the website, people will look at the home page and if they are interested they will continue to investigate.
That’s why it’s important to have a section of opinions and recommendations where anyone who has tasted your dishes can express their opinion about how their stay went, the quality of the service, the dishes and the costs.
From this section, all the opinions of the people will be collected to improve the faults that the restaurant has and a friendly response will be offered to each of the customers who commented.
You can also add a star rating that allows your clients, new or current, to evaluate each of the preparations you have for them.
Even if the main link of the QR code is your restaurant’s website, it places in several places the users with whom you can be found in any social network.
Use strategies to connect with the customer by running contests where they take a picture of themselves in the restaurant and tag the restaurant’s account.
By using this strategy, people’s followers are curious to see what prize they are participating for, follow the count, and even become part of the contestants.
Purpose: Gestionar las solicitudes realizadas a través del sitio web, enviar comunicaciones comerciales y, en su caso, compras en línea.
Rights: Acceso a, Corrección, cancelación, oposición y otros derechos como se explica en la “Información adicional”.
Recipients: Los datos sólo se transmiten a los proveedores que tienen una relación contractual con Monouso.
Legitimation: Consentimiento del interesado.
Responsible: Envalia Group, S.L.
Additional information: You can find additional information on data protection in our privacy policy