Reasons to use bagasse containers in the catering industry

How many times have you heard the word “bagasse” and wondered what it means? Simply put, bagasse is a biodegradable material obtained from sugar cane waste. It is one of the preferred resources for making ecological take-away food packaging.

This product is becoming the new trend in restaurants and delivery services. In fact, it has become the main contender for plastic in the food industry.

Do you want to know more about the benefits of bagasse packaging? Great, at Monouso, we have pointed out the most favorable aspects of this resource, as well as the reasons to incorporate it into your business.

Read on!

Be amazed at all the advantages that bagasse can offer you

Sugar cane has a number of qualities, especially when it comes to the hotel industry. Some of the most remarkable are:

  • Resistance. Although it degrades easily, it is quite convenient for food storage and transportation. It has the necessary resistance to humidity, as well as the airtightness required to isolate food from external agents.
  • Economy. Believe it or not, sugarcane packaging is similarly priced to plastic packaging. That’s why you can choose both without your pocket noticing the difference.
  • Lightness. Biodegradable sugar cane containers are incredibly light; therefore, you can take them to as many places as you want without too much effort, isn’t that great?
  • Accessibility. Years ago, recyclable products were hard to come by, so their prices were higher. Today, you can access sugar cane packaging without any complications.


Other incredible benefits of sugarcane packaging

We have already talked about the main points in favor of these products, however, there are other profitable aspects you should consider. Learn more about them below:

  • Aesthetics. The colour of the sugar cane can bring a little more colour to your take-away preparations. This shade is soft, light, and at the same time attractive, so it will attract the attention of possible diners.
  • Trend: Many clients are more inclined to opt for more eco-friendly businesses, so implementing it could expand your opportunities in the market. It is not necessary to do without plastic, just provide this alternative and your clientele will increase.
  • Sustainability. There is no better alternative for those who wish to preserve the environment than sugarcane fibre. It can be continuously reused for lower prices, and best of all: its pollution footprint is extremely low.

Now, all you need is to acquire the best sugar cane containers for your business. To do this, just go to our online store Monouso and getting the specimens of your preference.

You are just a few clicks away from diversifying the delivery service of your business, we are waiting for you!

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