How to conduct a restaurant survey


Do you need to improve the weak points of your restaurant business? Congratulations! You need to implement a restaurant survey in a practical, economical way and with just a little bit of time.

By knowing what your customers think of your restaurant, you will know what to work on to improve their experience. So that they always want to come back and prefer you over your direct competitors.

Take a look at the following and learn how to conduct satisfaction surveysthat will help you achieve the maximum degree of well-being and enjoyment from your diners. Come on!

Restaurant survey What is it and what is it for?

We are talking about a document in text format where a series of questions are posed to the restaurant’s diners. Its format can be digital or printed, depending on the needs of each restaurateur.

The purpose of a restaurant customer surveyis to offer the customer a space where they can give their opinion about their experience in the restaurant. You may receive positive feedback, but sometimes you will also have to deal with negative reviews.

In addition, you can use the data collected in the surveyto find out what you need to improve in your restaurant, for example:

  • You will know which areas of the restaurant need improvement.
  • You will be able to measure the quality of the dishes and products you offer to your guests.
  • You will know if the waiters offer a quality service or not.
  • You will have an idea of where your restaurant stands in relation to the competition.
  • You will check if your business decisions are to the full satisfaction of your customers.

Types of restaurant surveys: What are they?


To give you a clear idea of which survey you need toimplement in your restaurant, we will tell you about the different types of surveys and their objectives.

Product evaluation survey

This restaurant survey templatewill help you find out if you need to make changes to the products you offer in your restaurant. If you are constantly receiving negative feedback, it may be best to hire a new supplier that offers fresher and better quality products.

Survey to evaluate the quality of service

This is a survey that can be used to find out about aspects of customer service, for example, whether your employees treat diners correctly and whether they deliver their services on time.

Survey to adjust prices and promotions

With this survey you will be able to know if the prices you manage in your restaurant are adequate to the quality of your dishes or other products. When you get more negative opinions, it means that you should try other types of offers and promotions to attract customers

Survey to open a new restaurant

If you want to open a new restaurant in Spain, then it would be a good idea to opt for this type of survey. Especially, because it will allow you to evaluate different aspects that are key to ensure the profitability of the business.

  • Where is the ideal place to open the restaurant?
  • What are the prices that will allow you to have a better rate of income?
  • Which dishes are most in demand according to the area, culture and customer profile?

Why conduct a survey for restaurants?

Anyone who wants to manage a restaurant business must understand how important it is to know the customer’s opinion. Especially because with their opinions we will be able to know if we are achieving the expected results.

Now, a restaurant customer satisfaction survey model can offer you the following advantages:

  • You will improve the level of customer satisfaction because you will know how to improve the service they receive in your restaurant.
  • You will gather insights that can help you create marketing campaigns to optimise profits and improve the presence of your brand in the market.
  • You will define service and pricingstrategies to ensure that your customers are happy with what they spend in your restaurant.
  • Build customer loyalty by enabling you to maintain a quality service.
  • Meet customer needs by identifying areas for improvement in your restaurant.

How to make a survey for my restaurant? We explain it step by step

It’s time for you to learn how to make a satisfaction survey for your hospitality business. Let’s see!

1. Set clear objectives

First of all, you should be clear about the objectives you want to achieve in your restaurant before applying a survey. Mainly because they all have different purposes and the right thing to do is to identify the one that fits your needs.

To do this you will need to meet with all the workers in the restaurant. At this point, they need to discuss everything they would like to know about the customers. Everyone should be involved, from the chef to the waiters.

2. Ask the right questions

Now that you are clear about the objectives of your customer satisfaction survey, it’s time to start asking the right questions. This is an essential step to ensure that you collect information of real value.

In this case you can combine the three survey question formats that exist:

  • Direct questions: Yes/no answers.
  • Scoring questions: Ratings from 1 to 20.
  • Descriptive questions: The diner can answer whatever he/she wants.

3. Choose the format of the poll

The next step is to select in which presentation you will apply the survey for your hospitality business. It is worth noting that you can opt for a digital or printed format, depending on the creative concept of the restaurant.

  • The printed survey is more traditional, suitable for family restaurants where many adults frequent the restaurant.
  • The digital survey is a modern alternative that you can use on a tablet or smartphone. Ideal for modern venues with a high traffic of young customers, between 15 and 30 years old.

4. Analyses and interprets the results

Finally, when you have several surveys completed by your restaurant’s diners, it is time to analyse and intelligently interpret the results. Here the important thing will be to establish new lines of action that will help you to improve your weak points.

Questions for restaurant customers

We’ll give some examples of questions for restaurant customersin this part of the post.Read on

Examples of direct questions

Let’s start with direct questions that you can apply to your survey:

  • Have the dishes been delivered on time?
  • Are you satisfied with the value for money of our dishes?

Examples of scoring questions

Now let’s move on to some examples of scoring questions for your survey:

  • How would you rate the service you received from our staff from 1 to 10?
  • What is your overall level of satisfaction with our service from 1 to 10?

Examples of questions to develop

Finally, let’s look at some examples of questions for the customer to express their opinion:

  • What do you think is the best dish on our menu?
  • What do you think we should improve in our restaurant?

We’re glad we could help you figure out how to conduct a restaurant survey. It’s a good idea to apply your own, because in the end, it’s the customers who always have the last word.

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