Restaurants rely on disposable tableware for opening

The Spanish hostelry industry is preparing for the reopening. From May 11th, bars and restaurants will be able to open their terraces and premises for the collection of take-away menus. It will be from the 25th, when the hotel and catering sector will be able to recover the service inside its premises, in a progressive and gradual way.
The sector will undoubtedly have to adapt to the circumstances of a new scenario. Incorporating measures that guarantee the safety of both personnel and customers will be an essential requirement for a successful return to business.
Many businesses are already working on restructuring their premises to ensure social distance, by widening the existing separation between tables or by using, for example, dividing walls. On the other hand, hydro-alcoholic gels or temperature controllers will be increasingly present in the premises.
Another interesting measure to strengthen hygiene, safety and infection prevention in these times of pandemic is to replace traditional tableware with disposable tableware.
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Disposable tableware, a great ally for de-climbing
Disposable tableware has always stood out as a remarkably hygienic resource. Its single-use nature prevents the dishes from being shared by several users. While it is true that traditional tableware is sterilised at high temperatures to eliminate any bacteria, there is always a margin for error. This margin of error is completely eradicated with the possibility of discarding the tableware once it has been used.
Likewise, it is interesting to consider that disposable tableware is usually sold protected in packaging. This prevents the utensils from becoming contaminated during the storage period.
Replacing traditional crockery with disposable crockery will also serve to exempt staff from responsibility in the event of possible contamination conflicts, since no employee will have to take on the task of cleaning or sterilising utensils.
The future of disposable tableware
In the current context, the use of disposable tableware in restaurants as a preventive measure is endorsed by the European Plastics Converters organisation. This organisation has submitted a document to the European Commission in which it highlights the benefits of plastic products in tackling the spread of the coronavirus, especially single-use products. In the document, the association calls for a delay of at least one year in the implementation of the Plastics Directive, scheduled for 2021.
Prevention, hygiene and safety to get ahead
In the “new normality” that we are about to begin, hygiene and consumer health will be priority issues. As we have seen, hotel and catering establishments will have to rethink the way they work and their habits in order to guarantee maximum protection for their employees and consumers.
The implementation of preventive measures, such as the use of disposable tableware, will not only keep the business within the requirements of the new regulatory framework, but will also serve to reinforce the confidence of users and staff. The bar or restaurant will be perceived as a safe environment, a fundamental aspect to attract the new customer profile.
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