Reusable cups Fallas: for a sustainable party

After two years of pilot experiences, Valencia City Council joins the initiative to enact sustainability with reusable cups for Fallas 2020. Its aim is none other than to reduce the waste generated by catering establishments and the Fallas commissions especially when it comes to the consumption of drinks.

It is not the first time that a massive party of these characteristics is mobilized to make society aware of the need to recycle and, consequently, help the environment. The carnivals of Tenerife or the running of the bulls of San Fermín are clear examples of a similar campaign.

reusable cups fallas

In this way, to achieve more sustainable festivities, several measures will be carried out, among which the following stand out

  • Distribution of 90,000 reusable glasses among the Fallas houses plus another 30,000 provided free of charge by several companies.
  • Location of 770 recycling containers in different parts of the city: 350 paper and cardboard bins, 350 container bins and 70 120-litre containers of organic material, the latter installed in the neighbourhoods where there is a collection service.
  • Disposal of 11,000 recycling bins.
  • Installation of urinals and portable toilets to keep the streets free of urination.

In addition, the city will have five Green Points of information where a group of environmental experts will distribute copies of the Guide of Advice for Sustainable Failure and material to assemble recycling bins.

Reusable glasses in Fallas and proposals to improve the relationship of the party with the environment

recicla fallas en

These Josephine festivals promise to be the most sustainable in history, as is already being demonstrated in their previous events. We are referring to the vertical Mascletà on Saturday 29th February which kicked off the Fallas calendar.

There was no lack of locals and tourists who gathered at La Marina in Valencia to enjoy a show of 1,800 kilos of mascletà and fireworks by the pyrotechnic Ricardo Caballer. An event that managed to reduce up to three quarters of the waste generated by the firecrackers and that left no after-effects on the city’s streets. The rest of the material that could not disappear was made up of biodegradable paper and cardboard, so it was diluted in water or soil without causing any damage to the environment.

Another of the striking proposals of these Fallas 2020 is the “Mahoucletà” or, in other words, the mascletà shot with 120 thirds of Mahou beer that will replace the firecrackers to the rhythm of a musical base composed by the duo Mueveloreina and Not to mention the brewery’s commitment to sustainability, which will be translated into the distribution of recycled cardboard cups in the Casal Cinco Estrellas where they are located and in the houses of the Fallas commissions with which it collaborates.

Without forgetting, a new edition of La Reciclà, an idea launched by Ecovidrio and the Generalitat Valenciana whose objective is the recycling of glass.

Monouso is committed to sustainability

fallas products

At Monouso we believe that the path being taken not only by the Fallas, but also by other mass festivals celebrated in our country is the right one towards a reconciliation of society with the environment.

Educating citizens to be aware of and responsible for their surroundings benefits us all. That is why Monouso wants to help the cause and offers you its 100% reusable and recyclable products with which you will enjoy the festival without generating unnecessary waste.

We also have disposable tableware and jars, biodegradable bags, recycled cardboard boxes… and a wide range of items that you can recycle when you don’t need them.

So everyone wins, right? Check out our catalogue and tell us how we can help you to make these Fallas a sustainable party.

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