How to sell home baked goods online

How to sell home baked goods online

Strategies on how to sell homemade baked goods online are not complex, but you have to be careful in applying them.

A good image in networks, a complete website and current documents that allow your company to operate are some of the requirements for successful online sales.

In this article you will learn everything you need to know about how to sell homemade baked goods online successfully and in just a few steps.

Secrets to selling cakes online

Secretos para vender tartas por Internet

If you are starting a business to sell baked goods online, there are secrets to success. This will give you an idea of how to manage selling cakes over the Internet and other important aspects of the world of baking.

Capital to invest

It is not necessary to invest a large amount of money at the beginning of the business

It is best to start selling baked goods from home, and as your business grows, you can assess whether you need to move to a larger establishment.

So a home kitchen , baking utensils and a delivery vehicle are more than enough.

Knowledge, the best capital

More than money, knowledge and innovation is the main tool to sell confectionery online.

Having baking skills and your own and your family’s recipes are essential to start your home-based bakery business in Spain on the right foot and with the right disposition.

Presence on the Internet and social networks

Your presence on the Internet and social networks is of great importance for publicising your business, attracting customers and boosting your sales.

Your website and social media profiles should show the public products that interest them. You can also share some baking tips that will add value to your page.

In addition to publishing organic content, it is a good idea to make small investments in advertising so that more people know about your work and become potential customers.

A range of products that differentiate you

Don’t get stuck in the traditional cake recipes sold in any bakery.

Use ingredients and combinations that are delicious, but not so common in your competitors’ businesses.

Another aspect in terms of differences is to offer products for people who cannot consume the basic cake products such as eggs, dairy or flour.

Offering special products for this segment of the market is a good idea, especially since competitors usually do not do so


You should establish how customers should order, especially when it comes to special events or dates, i.e. when there is more demand.

It is also important to indicate if you only deliver to the customer’s home and the conditions or if you give the option for customers to pick up the cake at the address you indicate.

Finally, offer the option of personalising the cakes, a detail that will show your interest in pleasing your customers and will be well received by them.

Quality raw materials

The quality of the raw materials you use in your cakes will determine the quality of the final product.

If you use poor quality products, the taste and texture of the cakes may not be the best, so customers will not consider your business as an option to buy again.

Always go for quality products that fit your budget, make sure to include seasonal and fresh products.

Listen to feedback on your products

If you plan to add any products to your online cake catalogue, organise a small trial with family and friends.

Ask them to be honest about the product and you will know if it is a favourable choice for the business or if the recipe needs some changes.

Legalise your home baking business

Legalise your home baking business

Entrepreneurship is growing over the years in everything from clothing to selling baked goods online. These internet-based businesses are in high demand by people, as they save time in their day-to-day lives.

However, it is important that every business selling food complies with certain conditions and is licensed to operate smoothly.

Requirements to sell home baking

To sell confectionery from home in Spain, it is necessary to comply with the health and legal measures established in the country.

With the fulfilment of each of the requirements there will be no inconvenience in starting up your business of selling cakes and pastries over the Internet.


The first requirement for your business to start working is a licence that guarantees its creation and opening.

You should go to your local town hall to find out what documents you need to fill in to get your licence issued.

Legislation to check

As a seller of food products, you shouldalways be aware of the legislation regarding their production, health requirements and sale.

In Spain, you should be aware of food, European and administrative legislation, which we explain below


Food legislation is contained in the Spanish Food Code, which indicates the hygienic and sanitary conditions that must be met to guarantee the health of the customer.

The regulations sanctioned in Royal Decree 2484/1967 determine the measures that must be applied when preparing, preserving, transporting and advertising the products of any business.


Food legislation is complemented by a law enacted by the European Union.

This law indicates that every process to which foodstuffs are subjected must be carried out in areas that health inspectors can visit and record.


In terms of administrative legislation, it is necessary to know the Law on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure.

It establishes that all businesses need to present a responsible declaration, which indicates compliance with the relevant regulations of the business.

The information that identifies the business and other documents required during the management of the business must be attached to the declaration.

The responsible declaration is effective from the moment it is submitted, so if there is any irregularity, the Public Administration will notify and take legal measures.

Social Security for workers

As you are starting a business dedicated to selling confectionery over the Internet, you have to register with the Social Security and cover your contributions.

The best way to register is through the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers or with form 037.


As with Social Security, you have to register with the tax authorities.

The Economic Activities Tax heading associated with your business is 677.1, which refers to hotels and restaurants without an establishment

In the same way, check with the Tax Office to see if this is the appropriate epigraph or if it has not undergone any changes.

Sanitary Registration of Small Food Establishments

To apply for sanitary registration , you need to go to the Sanitary Register of Small Food Establishments.

One of the requirements that must be provided to carry out the process is a legal document that proves the start of sales of your business.

This document must state the name of your business, the economic activity to be carried out, the address and the NIE, NIF or CIF.

As this register is governed by the respective Autonomous Community, the procedure is different in each one of them. Visit the registry corresponding to your address and find out which documents are necessary in your case.

Selling homemade confectionery on the Internet

Selling homemade confectionery on the Internet

In addition to having a website or profiles on social networks, you have to implement strategies to sell homemade confectionery online.

The image you promote your products and your business is what will motivate customers to order from you.

Study the competition and promote an innovative business, with proposals for traditional cakes and for people who like to try new things. Another tool that can be developed is email marketing, to send offers and promotions to customers every week.

Even if your forte is selling cakes online, don’t forget to participate in events and fairs so that you never leave the face-to-face contact with the customer.

Products for home baking

Products for home baking

To prepare your mixes, bake and pack, you need quality products that make it easier for you to sell baked goods online.

In our Monouso online shop you will find a section dedicated to bakery packaging, something very useful for your business products.

For deliveries we have boxes, containers, bases, moulds, strips, capsules and trays, all manufactured specifically for each confectionery product and with the dimensions you need.

You can also find these containers in materials such as cardboard, wood, paper and plastic.

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