Sensory marketing: how to adapt packaging to the senses

Sensory marketing is composed of actions that seek to connect the buyer with a product through the senses.

In other words, sensory marketing uses strategies that seek to capture the potential buyer’s attention through sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch .

Thus, when we see the packaging of a phone booth, a well-known brand of perfumes, the sensation that we feel when we touch the box of the watch that we like, the color of a store; everything is related to sensory marketing.

Next, we will analyze the use of sensory marketing in the restaurant sector and the boost it can give to your business through its strategies.

Sensory marketing and packaging

Marketing sensorial y los envases

Sensory marketing is not a new trend. In fact, the biggest and most exclusive brands have a lot of experience in using their techniques to generate empathy with their customers.

They focus on making their customers feel like the most important thing to the brand. They also don’t make fun of strategies and try to generate empathy with every action.

However, the growth of e-commerce increases the demand for sensory marketing strategies, to try to differentiate themselves from the rest

Let’s see what sensory marketing seeks to awaken in each of our senses.


The first relationship we have with a product is the packaging. That’s why the way it reaches us is of great importance in the process.

To achieve the desired reaction, we tend to use bright colours. Don’t forget to put your logo on the packaging. Reinforce that the feeling your client has is thanks to your brand.

Depending on your target audience, you can go further.


After vision, touch is the second sense that enters the game of sensory marketing.

Everything that brings a sense of softness to your brand.

Want to know what feeling you’re looking for? Put your hand on a velvet surface, and the reaction you get should be the same as the one your product provokes in your customer.

Among the options you have are the different types of materials in your packaging, whether they have reliefs, a varnished surface, rounded edges, to name a few.


In some economic sectors, the use of smell in favour of sensory marketing may require the inclusion of microcapsules with aromas in the packaging, scented papers, materials with some natural aroma, are some of the options.

However, it is at the service of the restaurant, hotel and catering industry, i.e. the aroma of your products will awaken your customers’ sense of smell.

You must have a packaging that preserves the exquisite aroma of your recipes. Thus, when your client goes to eat and opens each container, the smell of the food must invade the place.

In addition to pleasing your customer, the aroma of your preparations will awaken the sense of smell of other people who may be attracted to them, so it is an excellent way to advertise and attract new customers.


There are product sounds that have the power to communicate.

For example, the crunching sound of eating a potato or a cookie tells us that it is a fresh product. That’s exactly what you want from an edible product.

When you discover a can of soda, you produce a sound that lets you know that everything is okay. If that doesn’t happen, the drink has lost its gas and won’t taste the same. These are things we all know.

The same thing must happen with your products.

There are also brands that use new technologies, such as the QR code, to provide music at night. The idea is to pamper your customers by accompanying them during the meal, as if they were in their place.


There is not much to add here, it is clear that everything that has been said above must be backed up by the taste of your products.

It is not worth that all the sensations are satisfactory, but when tasting the food everything shoots up.

That does not mean it is easy.

There are several studies and examples of brands that have studied the changes in their customers when they were presented with the same food in different packages.

Did you know that coffee tastes better in a white cup? That’s part of what we told you. It’s the same coffee, but the reaction is different when it’s presented in different colored cups.

So changes in packaging can generate unexpected reactions in your recurring customers.

Importance of sensory marketing

Importancia del marketing sensorial

We have gone into everything related to sensorial marketing, strategies, ways of application, now it is time to analyze the importance of sensorial marketing and why to use it in your business.

The first thing to remember is that we are in the restaurant sector. The way we present our dishes and the taste of the food are on the list of sensory marketing actions we have to attend.

In addition to increasing sales, the importance of sensory marketing lies in the possibility of obtaining it:

  • Loyalty: Loyalty is the biggest reaction each marketing department seeks from its customers. It is achieved when your customers identify you as one of their preferred options in the industry you represent.
  • Personality: Through sensory marketing, building your brand’s personality, differentiating it from the competition, is much more direct and effective.
  • Value contribution : When a brand, in addition to the product, brings value to its users, it gets a positive reaction from them. For example, who throws away a good box of some product? They immediately look for another use for it.
  • Unforgettable experience: What happens when you buy a product and it becomes an experience? Without hesitation, you want to buy it again and enjoy it. Also, recommend it to your acquaintances.
  • Humanize: The humanization of brands is another of the great treasures that marketing seeks. When a brand appeals to people’s senses, it becomes closer, more human.

Packaging in tune with sensory marketing

Envases a tono con el marketing sensorial

If you are looking for packaging options to help you develop your sensory marketing strategies, we invite you to come to our online store: Monouso.

Throughout our product catalogue you will find pieces that will capture the sensory attention of your diners, offering them an experience just as you want it.

For example, we have biodegradable plates made of unique materials such as palm leaf, wood, bamboo and chinet pulp.

We also have the unbreakable PP plastic cups, made of tough material with finishes – in shape and color – that will steal your customers’ eyes.

Not to mention the Airlaid Premium napkins, quality products, very similar to fabric, that will pass the scrutiny of the most demanding diners.

Sensorial omarketing is thesum of several actions and the more details you offer, the better results you will get.

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