Steps to set up a bar and take it to the top

Setting up a bar, anywhere in the world, involves a series of steps and responsibilities that must be taken very seriously, with commitment and patience.

Having a clear value proposition will allow you to lay the foundations of your business, determine the strategies that will benefit the project, as well as achieve differentiation from the competition.

An option that will definitely make a difference in your proposal has to do with customer service, having a pleasant atmosphere with good drinks and excellent music.

With these elements -without a doubt- you guarantee a full capacity night after night, but that is the future.

For now, we are going to focus on giving you the data you need to know to set up a bar, easily and without dying in the attempt.

Aspects to consider before opening your bar

Aspectos que deber considerar antes de abrir tu bar

When we are going to open or set up a bar it is necessary to consider several aspects, necessary to take an optimal management of the business.

In addition, effective management will take us down the road of providing customers and visitors with an unforgettable experience. One of those that leaves us so happy that we want to repeat.

It is advisable to have a business plan that defines the investment needed to start the project, as well as the strategies that will be developed to achieve the profitability of the business.

It is also important to take into account details such as: opening hours, security, access control and soundproofing of the premises which will ensure compliance with legal regulations.

Other aspects that you should consider when setting up a bar are

Create an environment where everyone wants to be

Crea un ambiente donde todos quieran estar

Setting up a bar does not have to be a headache, you just have to offer your customers a pleasant, accessible and comfortable space, with a coherent decoration that highlights the personality of your business

By innovating the concept of service you will be able to gather elements that will allow you to provide an experience that exceeds your customers’ expectations by offering quality products, excellent service and visitors’ preference.

The atmosphere or ambience is the sum of space, decoration, furniture, attention, music and drinks, as the most outstanding aspects. Everything must be selected intelligently to pay for the route that leads to success.

Beautiful and well-decorated premises

Local hermoso y bien decorado

An essential element is the decoration of your bar, having a pleasant place where the elegance and distinction of your business will captivate your visitors.

When setting up a bar, it is also important to take into account the location of the premises, having good visibility and easy access ensures that your customers can visit the place without any inconvenience, guaranteeing their preference.

Suppliers needed to set up a bar

Proveedores necesarios para montar un bar

The suppliers are the ones who will allow you to offer your services. Therefore, you must have responsible companies that are committed to your business and are innovative in the sector.

One of those options is Monouso. We offer a wide range of products that guarantee the good running of your business and the accompaniment of a good service.

In our online store, Monouso, you will find quality products at competitive prices, guaranteeing your investment and preference.

We also have a home delivery service, through which we will deliver your order in the comfort of your business or home



The promotion of your business is a tool that will help you to publicize and promote your project, showing its benefits and characteristics.

This will allow you to attract customers and implement the necessary strategies to achieve loyalty.

Using social networks to promote your establishment will allow you to attract customers and therefore increase sales, achieving the necessary profitability for the success of your business.

However, it is necessary to have a business plan that serves as a guide to comply with the strategies that benefit the presence of the brand in the online environment. We will talk about that later.

Personnel needed to set up a bar

Personal necesario para montar un bar

This section is very relevant when starting a project from scratch, since it is essential to have trained personnel who meet the established standards and ensure a quality service.

The performance of the staff in your bar will have an impact, not only on good service, but also on the loyalty of your customers.

For this reason, it is necessary to offer a different and enjoyable experience that exceeds your customers’ expectations.

A good work team will guarantee the success in the management of your business and will promote the continuous development of your project

Other points to consider when setting up a bar

Otros puntos que debes considerar para montar un bar

For the establishment of a new business model -in this case- to set up a bar, there are strategies that involve a series of steps that serve as a guide to bring your project to fruition:

  • Have a clear idea of the project to be developed.
  • Have the necessary tools to implement your project.
  • Evaluate the resources available to carry out your project.
  • Define the products or services that your project offers.
  • Determine your client’s profile.

Business plan

Plan de negocio

When you start a project that requires resources, it is essential to have a business plan that determines the objectives and actions necessary to reach the opening day.

This is where the amount of initial investment needed to start up such a project should be established. You can implement it in phases or all from the beginning.

The business plan will allow you to determine the needs, projections and expectations regarding the development and evolution of the business.

A good business plan will benefit the management of your project, proposing solutions that will boost your business and in turn can raise new opportunities for success.

Money needed to think about the idea or initial investment

Dinero necesario para pensar la idea o inversión inicial

The working capital or initial investment is the capital you need to set up your business, representing between 10% and 15% of the investment.

To develop your activity you must find a place or establishment, and you must also invest in the different stages of the process.

Let’s see what are the most important aspects you should consider when setting up a bar:

  • Technical project of work and opening: it is made to request the opening license, it has a cost of 200 euros.
  • Fitting out works: it is a reform project where all the necessary modifications for the opening of your bar are included, the approximate cost is 3,500 euros.
  • Opening licence: this procedure costs 1,400 euros. It is necessary when your business premises have been acquired through a transfer and require some remodelling for opening.
  • Building permit: requested at the town hall and costs an average of 200 euros.
  • Registration as a self-employed worker: this is a free procedure. The best thing is that you can do it through the Internet.
  • Machinery and furniture: the cost of this section depends on the needs of your business and your tastes. You can consider the possibility of using second hand items or looking for sponsorships from suppliers to reduce costs.

On average, it is estimated that the investment needed to set up a bar is around 110,000 euros.

Prepare yourself for the procedures

Prepárate para los trámites

The necessary procedures to set up a bar and manage the running of your business require a technical project and a building permit if the premises need to be remodelled.

The business must be registered in the Registry of Companies and Tourist Activities of the corresponding Autonomous Community to obtain the license that allows serving alcohol and offering music.

You must invest between 3,000 and 6,000 euros in this registration.

The average cost of achieving adequate soundproofing in your bar is between 10,000 and 15,000 euros. This is essential to avoid problems with your neighbours.

There’s a lot of paperwork you have to deal with.

To make your life easier, we leave you with a list of the most important formalities that must be carried out when setting up a bar:

  • Social Security: to manage the registration in the RETA, the communication of the opening of the work centre and the registration of the company, as well as the registration and affiliation of the workers.
  • The tax authorities: these procedures include the census declaration, application for the CIF and registration in the IAE.
  • Operating licence: this procedure is requested at the Town Hall and authorises the use of the premises or facilities that guarantee the urban, environmental and safety conditions.
  • Change of ownership of the licence: this applies when premises are rented that have licences for the development of one or more activities. This procedure is carried out at the Town Hall where the change of ownership is requested.
  • Terrace license: the City Council manages this application. With it, the opening and operation of the bar with access to this space is allowed, the elements of urban furniture and their dimensions must be indicated.
  • Authorisation for the installation of gaming machines: this procedure is carried out by the company that provides the gaming machine service.
  • Food handling card: this document is issued by the Regional Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs for personnel who have direct contact with food.

We hope that this information is useful and guides you on the way to setting up a bar, an excellent business that generates the profits you are looking for.

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