Six new trends in hostelry for the new normal


The Covid-19 gave the world a 180° change, and the gastronomic industry was among the most affected. Since the beginning of the confinement, bars, restaurants and hotels have managed to adapt to this problem. The result? All kinds of trends have emerged in the hospitality industry this 2020.

The reopening has started the new normality. Some businesses are reinventing their specialties, while others have completely changed their services. The methods of attracting and retaining customers are among the most varied and picturesque, so that the hotel business will not be the same after 2020.

Would you like to know more about it? Stay at Monouso and find out about this year’s most successful trends and its future footprint in the culinary industry.

Emerging trends in hospitality

This year it has been proven that necessity is the mother of invention. Every restaurant or business has carried out its own tricks, but there are variables common to most businesses. Namely:


Although the advance of the web is nothing recent, it had not taken as much strength as it does today.

Social networks, websites and online services have already taken over the market completely. Even the most austere and traditional owners have had to adapt to technological change. Therefore, all gastronomic services are present on the web.


Many companies, including smaller ones, have chosen to offer the reservation service. Why is this? Having your own table is imperative for the new normality, and getting it can become a complicated task.

The result is obvious: many customers have already become accustomed to booking in advance at restaurants, so that these consumers can receive a faster, more harmonious and efficient service at lunchtime.


The trends in the hospitality industry in terms of distance are quite diverse. The new dynamics for normality have forced many to reduce the number of tables and seats available.

Although it sounds like a disadvantage, many homeowners see the opportunity to offer a higher quality private service.


Conferences, meetings and parties as we know them still have to wait. Cancellation for these types of events is being removed very carefully to avoid possible complications. Although the shows are reappearing, they must comply with fair measures of distance.

And how has this situation been handled? Some venues have only separated their tables, while others have expanded their spaces for greater comfort.


The most daring have decided to follow the technological trend in the hotel and catering industry. How? By creating new web service applications, modernizing the stay in restaurants and enabling all kinds of options by mobile phone. It’s a good idea, don’t you think?



Without a doubt, Delivery or take away is the star trend in the hotel industry this 2020. Although the hotel stay is back to normal, many restaurants have dedicated themselves to improving their take-away services. Thus, they have expanded the number of options available to unsuspected levels.

By skipping the Covid-19, this year has generated a host of new trends, which will leave their mark around the world. Fortunately, everything is returning to normal; however, the hotel business will have completely revolutionized in less than we imagine.

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