Tips for washing stain-resistant tablecloths


When it comes to decorating your table, nothing is more practical and convenient than a stain-resistant tablecloth. Not only does this product have great aesthetic appeal, but you can clean it with ease. Want some tips on how to wash stain-resistant tablecloths?

It won’t take you more than a moment to remove stains from spills, food residue or any other kind of imperfection; however, you must know how to treat this product properly so that it will be with you for a long time. Otherwise, you could seriously damage your tablecloth.

Would you like to find out how to wash your stain-resistant tablecloth to perfection? Do you want to know which one is most suitable for your hospitality business? At Monouso, we give you everything from unmissable tips to descriptions of various materials. Shall we get started?

Ideal materials for your stain-resistant tablecloth

Choosing the right stain-resistant tablecloth is not always easy. Before you buy one, you should consider the following factors:

  • Appearance.
  • Texture.
  • Impermeability.
  • Resistance.
  • Washability.

Now, if you don’t know where to start, you should take a look at the three most sought-after materials on the market. These are:


This material doesn’t require ironing at all, so you can forget about creases. Just throw it in the washing machine (on a gentle cycle, of course), let it dry and voila, you’re ready to set the table.


Plasticised plasticizers are not only the most durable, but also the most pleasant to the touch. In addition, their versatile appearance makes them the ideal choice for kitchens, dining rooms and even outdoor tables. Don’t forget to wash it from time to time.


Resined stain-resistant tablecloths are made from a blend of cotton and polyester. For many buyers, this is the best option available on the market. Their patterns are often the most attractive, not to mention the pleasant texture of their design.


How to wash a stain-resistant tablecloth

Now that you know how to choose the material, all that remains is to find out how to properly clean a stain-resistant tablecloth, so you’ll have a clean, well-kept piece to show off to your guests. Don’t miss out:

    • Carefully check the instructions on your product. Each tablecloth has instructions regarding washing cycle, recommended ironing temperature and so on.
    • Clean up immediately after eating.

Shaking off the residue from your meals will save you future inconvenience.

    • Use wet and dry tissues. Have you spilled coffee on your stain-resistant tablecloth? Don’t worry, all you need is some absorbent tissues and problem solved.
    • Moderate the amount of soap

and use as little as possible. It could wear out the fabric of your product.

    • Avoid using brushes and fabric softeners, as

these can fade and even damage your tablecloths.

  • Use the washing machine from time to time. In many cases, once a month is enough.
  • Don’t use the tumble dryer,

as it can break down and irreparably destroy your items.

Follow the above tips and your stain-resistant tablecloths will remain spotless for a long time. Don’t forget that you can buy the one you want in the Monouso shop , we are waiting for you!

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