Recipe standardization: definition, importance and steps to be followed


From Monouso we want to talk about the standardization of recipes in a restaurant. Through this strategy it is possible to establish fixed processes for the preparation of the dishes on the menu in a similar way by copying the times, quality and quantities each time

It is a matter of setting the basis for processes, quantity and quality to ensure that each time the recipe is repeated, a uniform result is obtained. In addition, costs are cut and human, process and kitchen resources are optimized.

We tell you what recipe standardization is, its elements, benefits and how to achieve it in 5 steps. Let’s go for it!

What is recipe standardization?

Recipe standardization is known as a process or set of instructions established to prepare food in the same way. All this, considering a pre-established quantity, quality and time.

The end result will be a very similar product and almost identical in quality and taste every time the procedure is repeated. It won’t even matter who has followed the instructions. In this way, the dreaded staff turnover will not have to affect your dishes.

For example, if you make a dessert menu for your restaurant, the standardization of recipes will allow you to always follow the same pattern so that quantity, quality and process are exactly the same every time the recipe is made.

Elements included in the standardization of culinary recipes

To create a standard recipe you should consider creating a master document with the following elements:

  • Letterhead of the business or establishment. This should include name, company name and logo, among others.
  • Name of the recipe of the dish or beverage to be standardized.
  • Type of recipe.
  • Yield. The total quantity of this recipe must be specified in liters, kilograms, portions or other unit. The serving size and number of servings must also be specified.
  • Serving Size. The serving size to be served to the diner in the same unit as the yield specified.
  • Number of servings. Refers to the number of servings of the preparation. It is expressed in the same unit of measurement as the yield and serving size.
  • Preparation time. This should include the pre-production time. However, the resting time of the ingredients should not be included.
  • Cooking time. Covers the total time used for cooking the recipe.
  • Temperature. Consider the serving temperature at which the food or beverage will be served to the customer.
  • Total cost of ingredients. It includes the total cost of the amounts obtained from the body of the recipe by adding up all the ingredients used. This aspect does not include indirect expenses or labor.
  • Total product cost per unit. The total cost of production per unit should be estimated from the following formula: Unit cost = Total cost /Number of servings.
  • Selling price excluding VAT. It is estimated through the following formula: Selling price excluding VAT = Unit cost + Labor (direct) + Indirect expenses + Profit.
  • Raw material cost percentage. It is the equivalent in % of cost: % cost = Unit Cost / Selling Price.
  • Percentage of gross profit. It is estimated through the following formula: % gross profit = 100 % – % of cost. In the end, the gross profit will be the total profit for each portion, i.e. Selling price excluding VAT – Unit cost – Labor (direct) – Indirect expenses.
  • Selling price with VAT. Price published in the chart estimated according to the following formula: Selling price with VAT = Price without VAT X (1+VAT rate).
  • Ingredients. Include the ingredients necessary to prepare the recipe.
  • Gross weight. Corresponds to the quantity of the ingredient required according to the recipe
  • Net weight. Corresponds to the quantity of the required ingredient minus shrinkage.
  • Unit. Unit defined in kilos, liters, pieces, others.
  • yield %. The percentage of each ingredient considering the determined shrinkage must be specified. Percentage of yield = Net weight / Gross weight X 100
  • Measured portion. It is considered a quick guide to support the kitchen (tablespoons, cups, pieces, etc.)
  • Unit cost. Corresponds to the cost paid for each unit of measure.
  • Amount. The cost of the gross weight used is estimated, calculated as follows Amount = Gross weight X Unit cost
  • Technique: Includes a detailed description of the preparation of the recipe in technical language.
  • Presentation. The manner in which the dish is to be assembled for presentation to the customer should be described.
  • Equipment for production. A detailed list of the equipment and kitchen utensils needed to prepare the recipe should be written.
  • Presentation equipment. Each of the kitchen utensils and equipment required for the assembly and presentation of the dish should be described.
  • Nutritional contribution. A list of nutritional benefits should be made based on the table of nutritional values contained in the prepared recipe. It is also important to highlight allergens.
  • Photograph. Add a high quality color photograph of the finished dish ready to be presented to the customer. This photograph should be consistent with what is described in equipment, assembly and description.

Importance of recipe standardization

Standardized recipes offer a number of benefits. These are centered in the area of costs, human resources, time and process optimization, among others.


To give you a clearer understanding of the reasons why your catering business should opt for standard recipes, we will detail the following advantages and benefits:

1. Uniformity in food quality

By standardizing the recipes of your restaurant or bar, you will be able to set the bases in quality, quantity and processes in order to guarantee the same result every time it is repeated . This helps to avoid depending exclusively on the skills and knowledge of a particular chef or cook.

2. Saving time

By standardizing a recipe it is possible to save time in the production of the dishes, as well as in the purchase and exact placement of the quantities of the ingredients.

3. Saving money

Thanks to the fact that the quantity of ingredients to be used is previously defined, it is possible to have a better control of the waste and the possibilities of its reuse. This aspect will also improve the organization of the warehouse in order to avoid excessive purchases.

4. Process optimization

Having detailed processes will allow you to analyze the implementation of new technologies and equipment to optimize time and costs in your business.

5. Improved service

Standardizing a recipe will allow you to establish uniform quantities, presentations and pre-established processes, guaranteeing dishes with almost identical characteristics in each preparation. The customer will be able to taste a product with similar quality, colors, flavors and aromas, minimizing complaints and dissatisfaction.

5. Facilitates product cost calculations

Having all the elements clear , it will be much easier, simpler and faster to calculate the exact cost of each dish. This information should be analyzed and compared with the sales and results obtained.

6. Facilitates staff training

The training process will be faster and easier. The margin of error on the part of the personnel for the interpretation of the information is minimized . In this way, everyone can consult the document at any time and the reference is the same for the whole team.

7. Reduction in the number of specialized personnel

The standardization of a recipe will allow a reduction in the number of specialized personnel, since the tasks will be simplified.

How to standardize a recipe

We will tell you how to standardize a recipe correctly in 5 steps:

1. Ingredients

Before making a standard recipe it is important to define a list of ingredients, materials, instructions, equipment and utensils required for the preparation of the dish. Also, be sure to make clear the order in which these ingredients will be used.

2. Unit of measure

It is necessary to define the unit of measurement of the ingredients, whether in kilograms, grams, liters, cups, spoons, etc.

Then, weigh and measure each ingredient and record the correct amount next to each ingredient.

3. Instructions

All instructions are described in a correct and logical order. Cooking time and temperature should be added whenever necessary.

4. Preparing the recipe

Now, you will need to prepare the recipe making sure that the ingredients are listed in the same order to be used. The weight of each ingredient must be exact and the instructions must be clear and chronological.

  • Measure weight, volume and quantity. Be sure to measure the exact amount of food, considering the data reflected in the standard recipe.
  • Measure and record the final yield of the dish as a total count of the final product.
  • Standard Serving Size. Determine and record the standard serving size using the same unit of measurement as that used in the total yield. This unit should be easy to measure, count or weigh. Controlling this aspect will provide maximum reliability, and will ensure that a dish leaves the dining room with the same characteristics in flavor, aroma and quality every time your customers order it.
  • Types of measurements used. Measurements can be made by weight, volume or quantity. Each of them will be used to measure ingredients and portions correctly. Weighing is slower and requires scales, but offers maximum precision.

5. Staff training

Finally, staff should be trained on how to prepare the standard recipe, making sure that everyone tastes the entire dish. Also, you must make sure that this recipe is used by all employees in each of the production processes.

What is recipe standardisation?

The aim is to set the basis for processes, quantity and quality to ensure that each time the recipe is repeated, a uniform result is obtained. In addition, costs are cut and human, process and kitchen resources are optimised.

Benefits of standardising prescriptions

1. Uniformity in the quality of foodstuffs.
2. Time saving.
3. Saving of money.
4. Process optimisation.
5. Improved service.

To standardise a recipe we need to…

1. Ingredients.
2. Unit of measurement.
3. Instructions.
4. Preparing the recipe.
5. Training of staff.

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