Storytelling for restaurants How to do it?

As a strategy, storytelling for restaurants is a success. With this marketing technique, you can achieve a closer relationship with the customers who visit your business.
Through storytelling you can convince customers that your service is the best they will receive, as long as it is complemented by the actions of your staff.
Find out what storytelling for restaurants is, how to apply it and the advantages it brings to your business.
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What is storytelling for restaurants?

Storytelling in restaurants is an excellent tool to attract and retain customers who visit your restaurant.
Restaurant storytelling uses literary resources in order to cause certain emotions, sensations or feelings – such as joy, hunger or pleasure – in the diners of your business.
This form of storytelling, using persuasive methods and techniques, aims to leave an impression on listeners.
Storytelling What does the science say?

Science is important in gastronomic storytelling, as it involves the functions of the hemispheres of the brain.
The right hemisphere takes into account the sensory experiences and enjoyment of customers in the restaurant. While the left hemisphere pays more attention to the cost of service.
It used to be common for the left hemisphere to have the last word in consumption, but in recent years, businesses have been dedicated to pleasing the right hemisphere of customers.
Storytelling has been identified as an infallible technique to offer creative service and exercise the sensory experiences of the diner.
Benefits of storytelling in the restaurant industry

If you apply good storytelling, the advantages for the restaurant are endless. You don’t need to tell a fabulous or unbelievable story, you just need a good story with the passion that characterises your business.
By conveying a sincere and concise story, customers will be interested in what you are telling and will identify with the story.
So, let’s see what are the main advantages of using storytelling in your business.
Strengthens communication
Having a defined story about the restaurant allows you to have coherence when communicating with diners.
In other words, the story you tell on social networks is the same as the one you tell with dedication in the establishment.
By not having differences in the versions, the restaurant denotes professionalism and importance to the work it does.
Create bonds with your community
The more real, sincere and human the story is, the faster customers will identify and become loyal to the restaurant.
This is because customers will feel comfortable in a restaurant that shares values or interests with them.
They may also identify with your story, celebrating your successes and wanting to be part of your new story
Tap into your audience’s emotions
It’s common not to remember certain details of a restaurant, but you never forget how they made you feel during service.
With restaurant storytelling you can reinforce the service, so that it is remembered as a positive and unique experience.
Diners are looking for the restaurant businesses they visit to deliver on expectations and promises of excellent service.
Storytelling for restaurants is a taste of what customer service stands for, demonstrating that what you promise is true.
Elevate your customer service
Using storytelling for restaurants helps you deliver better service.
By having a story that demonstrates the restaurant’s values and service qualities, staff know what to expect during working hours and how to treat customers.
They also take into account how the service should be – from greeting to farewell – and the order in your restaurant.
When and where to apply this technique?

Storytelling for restaurants is a good method, as long as it is used at the right time and for the right purpose.
That way, you will cause the emotions you are looking for in your customers and they will become loyal to your business.
There are three ideal moments to use the technique. Let’s list them.
To get to know your customers
Storytelling for restaurants with the aim of getting to know your customers tells stories about the restaurant, with the main focus on the customers.
Create the story you are going to tell your customers based on the interactions and comments you receive on your social networks.
It is also a good idea to keep track of the type of customers you serve in your restaurant and the products they prefer to consume during service.
Adding data about the customers in the story will make it realistic and easy for them to identify themselves as they listen or read the story.
To define yourself
Another aspect that needs to be taken into account in storytelling for restaurants is the story behind the creation.
This should include details such as why it was created, who are the people who made it possible and a story or two about the events they have experienced during their time of service.
For example, the day you were visited by a well-known public figure, how you created the most famous dish or how far you have come with your creations.
Although it has a focus on the history of the restaurant, you should not neglect the factors why customers choose to visit the establishment.
To tell your story
When storytelling for a restaurant you should exploit every possible way to tell your story.
First of all, the restaurant establishment is a good starting point to place decorations alluding to its beginnings.
Be faithful to the style of decoration with which you started, place photographs and identify the dishes according to the concept.
Another aspect that is valued within the storytelling is that the waiters are in charge of telling details about the story, generating a climate of trust between the customer and the staff.
Finally, social networks complement the storytelling . Use some of the posts to tell the story through images or videos.
Products that reinforce your story

One of the properties that stand out within the storytelling for restaurants is the quality at every moment of the service.
Within the service, the quality of the tableware and the containers in which the food is served is relevant.
That is why in Monouso, our online shop, you will find a varied inventory with products designed for hotel and catering businesses like yours.
In the catalogue we have plates, glasses, cutlery, take away containers, bowls, trays, napkins and tablecloths to give a good appearance during service.
Each product complies with regulatory certifications and quality controls. You canalso choose from disposable, reusable or biodegradable items.
By confirming your order, it will arrive at your restaurant door in less than 48 hours, ready to use.
Thanks to this article, we hope to have answered and clarified your possible doubts about storytelling. If this practice was unknown to you, we are grateful to have made you discover a new skill to improve your business
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