Sugarcane packaging, an ecological alternative

Envases de caña de azúcar, una alternativa ecológicaThe sugar cane containers have become a real revolution as they are one of the most ecological products available today. This type of packaging is biodegradable and 100% compostable as it is of vegetable origin. If you are interested in buying containers made of sugar cane, in our web Monouso you will find different sizes and functionalities: BePulp sandwich packs, hinge packs, BePulp multifunctional packs, BePulp bowl and jars.

You haven’t included them in your presentations yet? Look at all the benefits! It will be a real plus for your business and for the environment.

The best feature of these sugar cane containers is that, in addition to protecting and caring for the environment, they are just as resistant and versatile as those made from other types of materials. When we say that they are eco-friendly, we mean that they are completely biodegradable and, thanks to this, they are representing a real revolution in the food and hospitality sector.

Envases de caña de azúcar, una alternativa ecológicaMany take away and food truck businesses have already taken a step forward and started using these sugar cane containers. The versatility is immense as there are different products, sizes and functionalities to cover all needs.

If you want to make use of them, on our Monouso website you will find everything from hamburger boxes with lids and MenuBox boxes to soup tubs and sauce containers. Many of these models come with a lid, so there is no problem in transporting any type of food. For example, one of the most popular containers is the sugar cane burger boxes with a flip-top lid like the one in the picture. You can serve them with elegance and comfort

Envases de caña de azúcar, una alternativa ecológicaIf you are looking for biodegradable sugar cane containersEnter Monouso and discover all the packaging we have available for your business. We are waiting for you!

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