This is how you calculate how many ml an ounce has

Many people like to follow -with stubborn detail- the instructions of any recipe. That’s why recipes are created, to cook properly.
The problem is when the measurements of the ingredients are expressed in terms of measures that we do not know and do not master.
In addition to the natural nervousness of preparing any recipe for the first time, there is the need to make measurement conversions to the metric system, that is, to go from any measurement to kilos, grams, liters and milliliters.
Some are easily calculated and others break our minds.
With ounces, things can easily get complicated and today we’ll tell you why.
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All about the ounce

The first thing you need to understand is what kind of ounce you’re gonna turn.
You may wonder what kind of ounce?
Yes, there are two types of ounces and each one is divided into two more types.
The first is a measure of mass, that is, weight. It comes from the Roman Empire and has two types: the avoirdupois and the troy ounce.
The avoirdupois ounce is equivalent to 437.5 grains or 0.0625 pounds avoirdupois. The troy ounce, on the other hand, weighs 480 grains.
Grains not grams. Don’t be confused.
In addition to the ounce for measuring mass, there’s also an ounce for measuring volume. What does this mean? An ounce to measure liquids.
Depending on where the product or recipe comes from, the liquid ounce, as it is colloquially called, has the following values:
- Imperial or British liquid ounce: 0.00625 imperial gallons.
- US liquid ounce: 0.0078125 US gallons
Complicated business, don’t you think?
But don’t worry, switching to our measurement system is much easier.
How many ml an ounce has

For your peace of mind, the first thing you should know is that most recipes are expressed in US fluid ounces
So, one American fluid ounce is equivalent to 30 milliliters. On that basis you can calculate everything else.
But since you may be flaunting your techniques as a bartender, a correct term to which the familiar “barman” is superimposed, we leave you this guide so that you don’t have to calculate anything.
Ounces | Millilitres |
¼ oz | 7,5 ml |
½ oz | 15 ml |
1 oz | 30 ml |
1 ¼ oz | 37 ml |
1 ½ oz | 45 ml |
1 ¾ oz | 50 ml |
2 oz | 60 ml |
The video you need
If you are still not clear about how many ml an ounce has and you want to make perfect cocktails, we present you with this video that makes it even clearer:
The jigger, friend of the bartender

The jigger is an ideal instrument for fighting in these contests.
It consists of a small container with which you can measure one ounce, if you use the largest part, or half an ounce if you serve the smallest area.
The shape of this small glass resembles an hourglass, so when you see it, you will know what it is for.
But the most experienced bartenders don’t use the jigger. They usually use a technique called free pouring, which consists of measuring the number of ounces while you count in your head.
Would you like to see a video about this technique?
Here is a video that Raul Bartender uploaded and shared through his YouTube.
What can I do if I don’t have a jigger?

If you don’t have a jigger and you don’t want to make a mess while serving your cocktails, we can help you by showing all the options we have here at Monouso
In our shot glasses category, we have a line of glasses with measurements, which will support you in your preparations and help you dazzle your guests.
As if that wasn’t enough, we have a whole section dedicated to the most beautiful, versatile and resistant plastic cups on the market.
Meet Monouso and discover the world of options we have for you, ideal for the restaurant, hotel or catering sectors.
How many types of ounces are there?
Depending on whether we want to measure mass or volume, we will find two types of ounces which, in turn, are divided into two categories. The mass (weight) ounce comes from the Roman Empire and has two types, the avoirdupois and the troy. The volume (liquid) ounce is distinguished between the imperial or British ounce and the American ounce.
What is the most common type of measurement in recipes?
Most recipes are expressed in U.S. fluid ounces. Each is equivalent to 30 milliliters.
How can we measure an ounce?
We have two options: use a jigger or a measuring cup.
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