Tips for eating tupperware at work

These days taking food to work is relatively normal for many people who don’t have time to go home for lunch or want to save themselves eating at a restaurant every day. This trend can be positive if we know how to make the most of it, but it can also lead to a poor diet that will end up damaging our health.

To prevent that from happening, since Monouso we share with you the best tips for eating “tupperware” at work in a healthy way, and also a selection of the best food containers for taking food to work.

Preparing food at home and eating at the office can be a good way to save and eat healthily, as long as you follow a plan. Write down these tips now.

Tips for healthy eating at work

1. Take advantage of the weekend to plan the menu for the whole week. Think of it as a healthy, complete and varied diet, so add all the basic ingredients your body needs to keep up. Establish which foods you should eat on a daily basis and which you should eat on a weekly basis.

2. You can create a very complete menu with a first, second and dessert, or opt for a combination dish and a dessert. If you are one of those who needs “something” to complete the menu, a piece of wholemeal bread is a good solution.

3. As for dessert, avoid the temptation of sweets and over-sweetened cakes, the best option is seasonal fruit. It is full of vitamins, healthy, satiating and digestive.

4. If you need to snack between meals because you are hungry, avoid temptations like sweets, chocolates, etc. and take a small tupperware with nuts to work or eat a piece of fruit like an apple. Nuts are highly recommended in our daily diet, as they have calories, but are also rich in omega 3, fibre, protein, vitamin E and selenium. To avoid binge eating, either out of hunger or boredom, it is advisable to take only the exact amount we are going to consume that day.

5. Store food containers in the refrigerator to ensure proper preservation, especially in the summer months when temperatures can play tricks on you.

6. Take advantage of healthy, fresh seasonal recipes like gazpacho or salmorejo that are packed with vitamins and minerals.

7. Don’t eat in front of the computer screen, try to go to the kitchen or someplace reserved. If you have no other choice but to do so due to lack of space, turn off the computer so that you can eat calmly and without stress. You will have time to continue later. This break will help you get your strength back and rest your eyes after so many hours of staring at the screen.

Food packaging for eating at work

  • Plastic packaging
  • FOAM packaging
  • Cardboard packaging
  • Sugarcane packaging
  • PLA cornstarch packaging
  • Aluminium containers

Many of these ecological containers are closed with their own lid, but in other options there is the possibility of adding a separate lid to ensure storage, conservation and transport. Many of them are also thermal, so they allow you to keep the temperature of the food for longer.

The key to healthy eating at work only requires a little planning and organization so that we have time to shop and prepare the meal so far in advance. Some people prefer to do it the night before, and others the morning after. We leave that up to you.

You now have a wide variety of eco-friendly disposable take-out containers that make it much easier for you to take your food to work. More comfort and practicality for your day to day. If you want to buy food containers for your food, enter our website and you will find all the packaging you can imagine: cardboard, FOAM, sugar cane, PLA corn starch, aluminium, plastic, etc. We are waiting for you!

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