Tips for writing an original snack letter

Tips para redactar una carta de bocadillos originales

Having a snack card is a great idea to increase the cash flow you have in your business.

Sandwiches have long been considered a very profitable option for bars and restaurants.

They are usually made with few ingredients and are very quick to prepare, which gives you the possibility to generate good income with little effort.

Do you want to have an original sandwich menu that will dazzle your guests? Here we have the secrets to achieve it.

How to make a sandwich menu

Cómo hacer una carta de bocadillos

The initial approach, when writing your sandwich menu, is to take into account the foundations on which your restaurant is built

What does this mean? Don’t take a different path than the one that’s already been marking your restaurant. The sandwich menu must combine -to perfection- with everything you offer in your business: food and drinks.

To do this, consider the following aspects:

  • Type of business: Just as with the wine list or the menu of dishes you offer in your business, the type of restaurant will set the course for the sandwiches that should be part of your menu. They should correlate with everything you offer.
  • Public: The second and most important aspect is to take into account the public that attends your business. Knowing their tastes will give you the best indication to make a profitable decision that will generate the expected flow.

Tips for making a bar menu

Consejos para hacer una carta de bocadillos para bar

The success of the snack card is not defined by luck, the best thing is to take the time to make a card that yields the necessary results.

In this sense, it is recommended that you make the following analysis of various aspects of the results you are achieving in your restaurant. Let’s see what they are.

Performance analysis

What dishes are giving you better profit margins? Calculate the production cost, the selling price, the profits reached by each dish and you will be able to know which is the most profitable dish in your menu.

With some of the ingredients that are part of that dish, you can make a sandwich and incorporate it into your menu.

The idea is to obtain profit margins similar to the best-selling dishes in your restaurant.

Keeping an eye on popularity

Besides studying the profits you make with each recipe, another aspect to study is the popularity of each option on your menu.

This will show you what your regular diners’ favourite ingredients are. So, if you have a seafood dish that’s among the most popular, make seafood sandwiches and include them on your menu.

It doesn’t mean that you are boring and offer the same thing in different presentations, the idea is to use the data provided by your own restaurant to use it to your advantage.

Aspects that make up your sandwich menu

Aspectos que conforman tu carta de bocadillos

Now let’s see what tangible aspects you should consider when writing your snack letter.

Format of the snack card

Without departing from the style of the restaurant’s menu, the sandwich menu must have a clear and defined format.

Depending on the amount of sandwiches you are going to include in your menu, you can choose two or three leaflets, the idea being to show all your offer in a comfortable way.

The need for images

Sensory marketing becomes one of your best allies when making a snack card.

For this reason, the intelligent use of images that show your delicacies is important. Remember that the first bite is taken with the eyes.


The font is an important part of your snack menu. Take into account the fonts used in your business. This letter should not recreate a different look than what you are using.

Beyond the graphic aspects and the colors you select, the most important thing is that your snack card is readable without effort.

Declare the allergens

No matter how well you know your client and how much you know about their favorite dishes, there are aspects you might not know. Among that lack of knowledge could be what foods they are allergic to.

To avoid problems, it is recommended that your snack menu include the ingredients of each recipe, emphasizing those that can generate allergic reactions among your guests.

Don’t forget the little ones

The children are your customers too. Include some appetizing snacks for them in your menu.

There are foods that most children like, such as those made with chicken or cheese. Cook some snacks with these ingredients and you will be sure of success.

Mistakes to avoid when making your snack menu

Errores que debes evitar al elaborar tu carta de bocadillos

Making a snack card, as we have seen, can be a path of flowers or thorns , it all depends on the attitude with which you assume this path.

To avoid being hurt by thorns, we list the most common mistakes made when writing the sandwich menu for bars or restaurants:

  • Avoiding offering the same choices as your competition. The differentiated offer is what will call the attention of your new diners, not eating the same thing they find in other spaces.
  • When indicating the prices of each sandwich, place it at the end of the description. It is not recommended to place them aligned to the right of each sandwich. Doing so ensures that the customer will select by price and not by description.
  • Analysts of consumer psychology indicate that placing the monetary sign, dollar or euro, next to the price gives more importance to this aspect. The ideal is that the client reads and falls in love , not just because of the price.
  • Continuing with the prices, nothing is more unpleasant than an outdated price. A customer may think that you are cheating him. Avoid using a snack card with old prices.
  • Unless your restaurant’s concept is to offer thousands of choices of one type of dish, narrow down your sandwich menu. Most people don’t want to spend a lot of time reading hundreds of choices for a snack.
  • The snack menu is part of your restaurant. Don’t deliver a bad menu. Otherwise, your customer will think you don’t take care of the details.
  • Finally, pay attention to trends and try to be the first to offer them. It’s always better to be a pioneer than a follower.

Better snack containers

To serve your business’ snacks prominently and provide your guests with a distinctive experience you must use the best snack containers.

At Monouso, our online store, we have a variety of options available to present and serve the dishes to your business’ guests.

We offer packagingmade of various materials, sizes and styles , to provide you with the ideal packaging for each of the sandwiches on your menu.

For orders over $59, shipping is free. You will receive it – within a maximum of 48 hours – at the address you indicate.

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