Tips to avoid bankruptcy during the Covid-19


The advent of the virus has disrupted and transformed the reality we knew. Of course, one of the most affected sectors has been the global economy.

Confinement measures around the world have put many businesses in check, leading to the bankruptcy of many of them.

Few entrepreneurs have known how to handle this situation to their advantage. In fact, a large number have chosen to go on strike indefinitely, thus risking bankruptcy.

While the illness has left dire consequences, this should not be synonymous with bankruptcy for your business. For this reason, in MonousoIn the meantime, we have decided to give you some tips on how best to deal with the crisis.

What should I do?

Trying to get your business through this recession seems like an impossible task, but you can use it to make the most of your company, rediscover it, reinvent it and get it back on track. Learn about our suggestions to overcome this bad time.

Stay calm

It may seem like a cliché, but calming down and not panicking is a fundamental step in any crisis. Anxiety can lead you to make decisions that are harmful to your friends, family, friends and employees as well as to you and your business.

Above all, keep your composure so you can motivate your team to cope with the situation calmly.

Create and analyze strategies

Once you are confident again, it is time to face reality: you have to take action to make the business face bankruptcy.

Interview your team remotely and rethink the business situation. Make an annual budget and start designing different action plans. These should take into account the best and worst conditions to prepare in advance for eventualities.

Evaluate existing strategies. Discuss with employees new methods to improve the business. Also, communicate with your clients, advisors and investors to design strategies that benefit everyone.


Reinvent your business

Take advantage of these moments to grow your business online. What’s more, if you haven’t done so yet, you can position it on the web and give your products and services greater reach.

This can be the opportunity to give a new look to your company. Adapt to new market trends and redesign your advertising campaigns.

Although there is no single solution to avoid business failure, retraining may be one of the best alternatives.

Invest carefully

Businesses cannot remain static in the marketplace, and the advance of the virus has made that quite clear. However, a bad investment in these uncertain times can lead to irreparable losses.

At this point, it is essential to take into account all the previous steps to avoid the loss of your business. If you succeed, you will be able to invest wisely, revive your project and even overcome your pre-confinement conditions.

Remember to be as realistic as possible in terms of finances without falling into pessimism and inaction.

We hope that these tips will help you to maintain your establishment. From Monouso, we are with you!

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