Tips & Tricks: How to vacuum bag

Ventajas y trucos: Cómo envasar al vacío en bolsas

Food preservation is a point of interest for any foodbusiness and one of the methods used to achieve this is the vacuum bag.

Therefore, it is necessary to know the techniques to maintain the freshness of the food.

Stay with us and don’t miss out on any details. We will show you the advantages of the vacuum bag and some tricks that will allow you to carry out this process correctly.

How to pack the bags, easy and fast

Cómo envasar al vacío en bolsas, fácil y rápido

To vacuum the bags, it is necessary to follow some recommendations to preserve the freshness of the food for a longer period.

Follow these recommendations and learn how to pack your food:

  • Place the product or food inside the bag to be packed, keeping the neck of the bag folded and without any residue.
  • Prevent the bag in which the food is packed from having fatty residues that could weaken the plastic seal.
  • When the food is placed inside the bag, it should be placed on the sealing bar, keeping the mouth of the bag free to proceed with the sealing.
  • It is important to take into account the size of the bag for packaging, it must be smaller than the sealing bar to ensure that the vacuum is made correctly.
  • Be sure to adjust the packaging and air extraction machine according to the food that needs to be packaged, this way you avoid the bag to explode.
  • To ensure that the vacuum is made correctly, it is necessary to wait the necessary time until the sealing process is completed, which will depend on the type of bag used.
  • The higher the micronage of the bag, the higher the temperature to be used in the sealing bar.

This is how a vacuum packing machine works

Así funciona una envasadora al vacío

One of the advantages of vacuum packaging is directly related to the operation of the packaging machine, since it has a practical and simple use that will allow you – in just 4 steps – to seal the food bag of your choice.

  1. Open the vacuum packing machine.
  2. Place the food inside the bag to be packed.
  3. Adjust the bag to the vacuum mouth of the machine and close the machine.
  4. Turn on the machine to start the process of emptying the air and sealing the bag.

Types of vacuum bags

Tipos de bolsa para envasar al vacío

There are two types of vacuum bags, each with particular characteristics that will allow you to choose the most suitable one for your business. These are:

Embossed vacuum bags

Engraved vacuum bags are used in external or domestic type packaging machines.

These vacuum bags have a smooth surface, are made of polyamide polyethylene and have a micron rating of approximately 90/105.

Another characteristic of these vacuum bags is their structure, which is rough or stamped on the back, necessary for the correct extraction of air.

Smooth bags for vacuum packaging

Smooth vacuum bags are used in professional chamber machines.

This type of bag is made of polyamide with polyethylene, an element that gives the bag its porosity and serves as a barrier to prevent air leaks.

Smooth vacuum bags are available in various thicknesses, including 70, 90, 120, 130, 150 and 160 microns.

Your choice will depend on what you are packaging, with the 90 micron bag being the most commonly used.

Vacuum bagging thickness classification

Vacuum bags are classified into two types according to their thickness, which determines the protective barrier of the bag. These are:

  • Thin vacuum bags: used to contain food that is stored for a short time, such as sausages, boneless meat, boneless fish and pasta. Their thickness varies between 85 and 90 µm.
  • Thick vacuum bags: used to pack large foods, they are strong and can preserve food for a long time. This type of bag is ideal for preserving lamb shoulder, large pieces of ham, fish with bones and ribs; the thickness of this type of bag is 120 µm or more.

Tips for vacuuming

Trucos para envasar al vacío

Here we will share some vacuuming tricks that will make the job of preserving food easier. Among them we can mention the following:

  • To vacuum pack, use raised bags: this will allow you to preserve the properties of the food for longer, as well as avoid any kind of contamination.
  • Use the correct size of the packaging bag: this will avoid discomfort when sealing the bag and the waste of material due to misuse.
  • Vacuum packing food on a plate: this will make it easier to eat when the food is served ready to eat.
  • Reuse the bag for packaging: this will save time, money and space. It is recommended to reuse the packaging bags at least 3 times.

Advantages of vacuum packaging

Ventajas del envasado al vacío

There are many advantages of vacuum packaging, below we will mention the most important benefits of this simple technique:

  1. Preserve thefreshness, properties and nutrients of the food.
  2. By vacuuming the food, it is kept in optimum conditions for 3 to 5 times longer.
  3. They avoid the oxidation or burning of the food due to the effects of cold in the refrigerator.
  4. Thanks to the vacuum packaging, the food can be stored without any inconvenience because it reduces its size.
  5. You can use the printed bags used in the packaging to cook the food directly in the bag
  6. It protects the food from external agents, bad smells and also avoids the loss of taste of the food.

Cheap vacuum bags

Bolsas para envasar al vacío baratas

In our online shop: Monouso, you will find a wide variety of vacuum-packed bags, available in various sizes to suit your needs and allow you to preserve your food for longer.

Everything is organized in our section of vacuum bags. There you will find bags of different sizes, resistant and with an incomparable quality-price ratio.

Don’t wait any longer, visit our website and learn about the different options available for food packaging, as well as the various alternatives that are ideal for your business.

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