Tortilla de tortilla: a recipe that will leave you speechless

Pastel de tortilla: una receta que te dejará sin palabras

Tortilla cake is a simple and versatile recipe, ideal for eating on any occasion.

To prepare a delicious tortilla cake you have many options. You just have to combine different ingredients and vary the number of tortillas, stack them in the shape of a cake and that’s it.

This tortilla cake can be served with a variety of accompaniments, from salads to slices of bread and surprise people with its taste.

This delicious dish allows you to experience the flavors. You can stack tortillas made with the same ingredients or combine them with different flavors.

Take a note of the recipe to put it into practice in your restaurant or at home. Surprise your loved ones and friends with this great preparation.

Ingredients of the tortilla cake

Ingredientes del pastel de tortilla

To make a three-layer tortilla cake, you need

  • Six eggs.
  • Three large potatoes.
  • Two small onions.
  • 50 grams of cottage cheese.
  • 75 millilitres of bechamel sauce.
  • Grated Manchego cheese.
  • Olive oil.

Quick preparation of the tortilla cake

Preparación rápida del pastel de tortilla

To start preparing your omelette, peel the potatoes and cut them into thin slices. If you want to prevent them from rusting, keep them in a container with water until you are ready to use them.

Wash the onions and cut them into very thin slices. Set them aside.

In a clean bowl, beat two eggs. When the egg mixture is homogenized, add some of the potatoes, fresh cheese and onions.

Add a pinch of salt and pepper.

Put a large skillet on the stove, over medium heat and add a good splash of olive oil . Let it heat up, without letting it burn.

Pour the mixture into the frying pan and lower the flame to the minimum.

When the tortilla is cooked, turn it over. It could rest on a flat plate to prevent it from breaking.

Cook until both sides of the tortilla turn golden brown.

Make another mixture with two eggs and repeat until all three omelettes are ready.

The omelettes are ready, now it’s time to make the cake. It is recommended to let the tortillas cool down before starting the final preparation of the dish.

On a baking tray, place the three tortillas, adding a little béchamel sauce between each layer. Leave plenty of sauce to add at the end

After the béchamel sauce, add the grated manchego cheese.

Bake the cake over medium heat and let it roast. Take the tortilla cake out of the oven, let it rest and serve it hot.

Tortilla variations

Variantes de tortillas

Tortillas are foods that, no matter what ingredients are put into them, always satisfy hunger and delight those who eat them.

Learn about some of the variations of tortillas with which you can prepare surprisingly delicious tortilla cakes.

Zucchini Tortillas

In the case of zucchini omelettes, they have a very different procedure than the potato omelettes we mentioned at the beginning.

Cut the zucchini into thin slices. Pour them into a pan with olive oil.

When you finish poaching the zucchini, put it in the frying pan where you will prepare the omelette and pour in the beaten eggs.

After a while, turn the omelette over. It will be ready when it has an appetizing golden color.

Omelettes with mushrooms

For the mushroom omelettes, cut the mushrooms into small slices and cook them in a pan with a little oil.

This process is necessary so that the mushrooms lose their excess water.

Once cooked, they can be added to the beaten egg mixture for the omelette or they can be fried with some spices such as parsley or crushed garlic.

Cook the tortilla as usual.

Cheese and sausage omelettes

To make delicious cheese and sausage tortillas, use the ingredients you want or like the most.

These tortillas can combine different sausages, such as ham and sausage, mixed with sautéed vegetables.

Pouring the cheese into the tortilla gives the recipe extra points for its taste and texture.

Seafood omelette

Seafood tortillas are a rare alternative, but one that guarantees incredible flavors.

In these tortillas, the potatoes are replaced by sweet potatoes and pre-cooked cod with salt, caramelized onions, green peppers and some chopped leeks are also added.

Place the ingredients together with the beaten eggs in the satin to start cooking the omelette and make sure this omelette has a slightly juicy texture.

Serving Dishes Classic Omelette Cake

Platos para servir pastel de tortilla con clase

To serve your omelette cake, it doesn’t matter if it’s a special occasion or not, you have to look good.

At Monouso‘s online store, you will find what you need for any kind of service, professional or family gathering at home.

Among our product sections, you will find round plastic plates, among a variety of dishes to serve the tortillas with comfort and elegance.

In our catalogue we have a variety of models, sizes and colours of plates that adapt to any meal and help to highlight its presentation.

These plates are disposable, so you won’t have to invest time in washing them.

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