Trash Cooking: know everything about this gastronomic trend

Trash cooking, or the art of making the most of food, is a gastronomic trend that arises from the idea of reducing as much as possible the waste produced in today’s kitchen.

Healthy cooking is here to stay, and in this desire to reduce the amount of food thrown away in the container, trash cooking is born. At first glance, it may seem that this is another Anglo-Saxon term that will soon go out of fashion, but the truth is that trash cooking seeks to make the most of cooking, and it seems that it is willing to stay in restaurants for a long time.

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What is Trash Cooking?

The main aim is to make the most of foods such as casquería, that is, parts of the meat that are normally thrown away, or even vegetable skins, to prepare new, equally delicious recipes.

Trash cooking goes beyond a gastronomic trend, as it pursues a type of culinary elaboration based on utilization. Renowned chefs such as Ferrán Adrià or Ángel León are betting on this technique in their restaurant kitchens, and it is clear that it is quite successful.

Principles of trash cooking

But what exactly is trash cooking? These are the fundamental pillars on which this gastronomic trend is based on the values of ecology and the use of all types of food.

  • Culinary innovation, since it demands a high level of originality and innovation to create dishes from food or ingredients that are usually discarded.
  • New possibilities of creation because not only the shelling but also the skin of the vegetables are often used as a garnish in other combined dishes.
  • Added value for the restaurant and the image of the business
  • I save because I take advantage of every last piece of food I buy to make the recipes.

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