Tutorial: How to fold paper and cloth napkins + 30 folds

There are several ways to fold paper napkins, we have already seen it, beautiful flowers, trees, bows, among others. You can do it yourself with the help of these instructions and tutorials.

Some ideas are ideal for children’s parties, important dates and to share with friends, we show you some folds:

Folding paper napkins

We present you the idea of the napkin folding in the shape of a bow, useful to decorate the table on occasions and festivities, plates and cutlery… myra these ideas…


Folding of paper napkin into a loop

Tying your cutlery or utensils in decorative napkins adds a festive touch to any dinner occasion. The utensils can be tied with cloth or paper napkins, depending on your budget and how formal your occasion is.

The cutlery package can be secured with a decorative ribbon to keep the napkin in place.

Things you’ll need…

✔️ Cloth napkins or
papel✔️ Scissors
Cinta✔️ Cutlery
🍴✔️ Rule

How do you do them?


✔️ Wrapping the napkinFold
the napkin in half. Then fold the napkin in half again to create a square. Also, if you are working with a pre-folded paper napkin, skip this step, as it is already a square.

Turn the napkin into a diamond shape, with points at the top and bottom, with the folded part closest to you.

Separate the folds at the top of the napkin. Fold the first layer of the napkin to the bottom of the napkin. Repeat this process until there is one layer pointing upward.

Tuck the side edges of the napkin into a diamond shape at the back. Tucking the side edges behind the napkin package will alter the shape of the diamond napkin to a rectangular shape and the top of the napkin will remain pointed.

Slide the cutlery into the pocket created by folding the edges of the napkin down.

✔️ Tie the bowCut
six to ten inches of tape. Also allowing for additional tape will simplify the tying process. Also, excess tape can be cut off after tying the bow.

Wrap the tape loosely around the napkin pocket and the silverware, centering it just below the pocket that holds the silverware.


How to do Bird of Paradise Paper Napkin Folding

The bird of paradise widely used in baptisms, weddings and ceremonies for which a bird is part of an elegant style decoration.

What are you going to need…

✔️ A coloured square paper napkin (adapted to the motif)

✔ ✔ Dishes and cutlery

How to make the bird of paradise?

✔️ Fold the napkin in half, then form a rectangle.

✔️ Fold in half to the right.

✔️ Bend the upper left corner down diagonally. and turn it to the right so that the peak is down.

✔️ We turn it around so that the beak is up and the bottom is up.

✔️ We take the peak from the left down.

✔️ We do the same with the one on the right.

✔️ We bend the peaks inwards.

✔️ We fold it in half and straighten the napkin.

✔️ We lift the ends up to make the flower.

How do you make a paper boat with colored napkins?

The paper boat with napkins is a perfect decoration for children’s parties. Also for playing origami with the kids. Also what we might need for the paper boats:

✔️ 20 x 20 square napkins

✔️ Colorful cutlery and plates

How to make the napkin-folding boat?

✔️ This type of folding can only be done with small 20 x 20 napkins. So that they don’t come off the plate and the right and left side are the same. There are times when the back side is lighter.

✔️ The napkin is flattened with the right side facing us

✔️ Then it folds in half. Then fold it down

✔️ Turn the right corner down.

✔️ Folding the bottom up

✔️ Turn the napkin over. Also fold the end up as well.

✔️ Open a little bit on the bottom. Then place it on the plate.

We recommend that you visit our guide on how to fold napkins to put cutlery in, for more information about folding napkins.

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