Types of cleaning chemicals. Watch out for them!

The different types of cleaning chemicals are of great help in maintaining hygiene and cleanliness in our spaces.

These cleaning products contain substances that can be harmful to our health and also affect the environment.

However, we can find less toxic chemicals, used for cleaning spaces where children and pets are found.

They can be used to sanitize and disinfect bathrooms, dissolve grease, remove stains, reduce scale and combat calcification, among other known uses.

Types of existing cleaning chemicals

Tipos de productos químicos de limpieza existentes

Cleaning chemicals are classified into six types, which have particular characteristics that are explained below:

Soaps and detergents

Soaps and detergents are biodegradable cleaning chemicals, used in the domestic, catering and hospital areas, to name a few.

They are not considered to represent a risk for people in these spaces.

The main characteristic of soaps and detergents is to maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of facilities ensuring impeccable spaces where activities can be carried out safely.

Degreasers and alcohols, solvent products

Degreasers and solvents are ideal for removing grease and oil stains.

According to their composition, solvents can be used as glaze removers, degreasers and thinners for oil-based paints such as oil.

Although they are very useful, degreasers and solvents should be handled and stored with great care, keeping them away from heat because they are very easily flammable.

Mild acids

Mild acids are types of safe cleaning chemicals that can be used in spaces where children and pets are present.

They are usually made with acetic or citric acid, ideal for cleaning toilets, rust and slime.

Strong acids

Strong acids are powerful chemicals used to clean kitchens and bathrooms.

Made from hydrofluoric and phosphoric acid, strong acids are capable of eliminating the growth of bacteria and microorganisms harmful to health.

Light alkaline products

Light alkaline products are gentle cleaners that are safe to use in the presence of children and pets.

These types of cleaning chemicals are made from baking soda and provide safe cleaning for people without harming the environment.

Heavy alkalines

Heavy alkalines are corrosive chemicals, capable of destroying and burning aluminium-based products.

They contain sodium carbonate, a corrosive and dangerous component, useful for eliminating grease present in pots and drains.

Care when using all types of cleaning products

Cuidados al usar todos los tipos de productos de limpieza

The proper use of the various types of cleaning chemicals not only guarantees the hygienic environment, but also the protection of health and the environment.

It is therefore necessary to take precautions when using these products which, in some cases, can be corrosive and when used improperly can be dangerous.

Here are some recommendations for using the various types of cleaning products:

  • Store cleaning chemicals in a cool, well-ventilated place.
  • Read the instructions for use of cleaning products before use.
  • Do not mix cleaning chemicals, as this action may result in the release of toxic vapours harmful to health.
  • Use gloves and dispensers to avoid direct skin contact with these products.
  • Make sure that the cleaning product container is tightly closed, so that the chemical components do not evaporate.
  • Do not reuse empty cleaning product containers.

Benefits of using cleaning chemicals

Beneficios de utilizar productos químicos de limpieza

Cleaning chemicals play an essential role in daily life, helping to maintain hygiene and prevent the spread of infectious diseases that are harmful to health.

Among the benefits of using cleaning chemicals are

  • Eliminating disease-causing germs and contaminants.
  • Protect against food-borne diseases.
  • Facilitate hygiene and cleanliness of our environment.
  • Ensure safe cleaning in spaces where children and pets are present.

Avoiding hazards when using any type of cleaning products

Evitar peligros al emplear cualquier tipo de productos de limpieza

During the use of any type of cleaning product, risks can be avoided.

We leave you with some recommendations that will allow you to maintain the hygiene of your spaces and avoid health risks.

  • Maintain good ventilation when cleaning.
  • Keep cleaning products tightly closed and out of reach of children and pets.
  • Before cleaning protect yourself with gloves, glasses and suitable clothing.
  • Read the instructions for use of the cleaning product.
  • Avoid using products that indicate on the label characteristics of being dangerous, toxic, corrosive or irritating.
  • Choose biodegradable cleaning products as an alternative to chemicals.
  • Avoid at all costs the accidental or voluntary mixing of cleaning products.
  • Dilute the concentration of the products in water to reduce their harmful effects.
  • Use homemade cleaning products, such as vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, lemon and baking soda.

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