Can you vacuum pack liquids?

¿Se pueden envasar líquidos al vacío?

Vacuuming liquids or any food brings many benefits, including keeping the food longer and fresher than it was when you bought it.

The vacuum packing method does not suffer any substantial change when used in liquid foods, but it must be done carefully to avoid spilling the products you want to store.

Find out how to vacuum pack liquids, what the benefits of this type of storage are and where to buy the ideal bags for vacuuming liquids.

What happens if we vacuum pack liquids?

¿Qué sucede si envasamos líquidos al vacío?

Liquid and solid products have the capacity to be vacuumed, however, liquids are a little more difficult to pack because you have to prevent them from coming out of the bag when the air is removed.

The best alternative for vacuuming liquids is to use a machine that generates the vacuum and closes the bag when it reaches the desired point to store your food.

Benefits of vacuum packing liquids

Beneficios de envasar líquidos al vacío

As the liquids are vacuumed, they will last for months in your freezer and will not allow external substances or gases to enter.

In the vacuum packaging bags you can store all types of liquids regardless of their thickness, although it is important not to fill the bag to the top so that it does not overflow. In addition, as it is frozen, it maintains each of its properties such as taste, texture, smell and nutrients.

If you want to keep the fruit pulp to make juices or smoothies, vacuum packing will save you time, as you will avoid the tedious work of peeling and chopping the fruit.

On the other hand, it also means saving money because when you make a shake and there are some glasses left over, they are poured into the vacuum-packed bags and frozen for when you want to have that taste.

Another functional idea is to pack creams, grains and purees. These foods, despite their thickness, will maintain their creaminess when consumed.

Tips for vacuuming liquids and avoiding spills

Consejos para envasar líquidos al vacío y evitar derrames

So that you vacuum liquids correctly, without spills or disasters in the kitchen, we offer you some recommendations that will help you in the process. In addition, you do not lose part of the liquids in the process of pouring, air extraction or in the sealing of the bag.

It is important that you serve the liquids in the bags at a temperature as cold as possible. This is to avoid drastic changes in the temperature of the food.

You have to be careful when serving liquids inside the bags to prevent them from getting dirty on the outside. For that, it is ideal to use a container to know the amount of liquid that is being poured.

When you are pouring the liquid into the bag you should not fill it to the brim. If you do, it will be difficult to extract the air without absorbing liquid and when sealing, the contents may spill.

Finally, you should consider using embossed bags that have already been sterilized and do not contain microorganisms that deteriorate the food you are going to vacuum.

Where can you find the vacuum-packed bags?

¿Dónde puedes encontrar las bolsas de envasado al vacío?c

If you are looking for vacuuming bags, we have the solution for you

Vacuum packed bags are an incredible tool to store food in your fridge without taking up much space. That’s why at Monouso‘s virtual store we offer you a variety of vacuum-packed bags with the best quality.

Our vacuum bag section is organized in two types of bags: professional industrial bags and domestic embossed bags. In addition, they have different sizes so that you can store any food inside them and thus maintain its freshness for a longer period of time.

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