What is it and what is it used for

Today, laid paper has become highly appreciated for its quality, elegant finish, softness and colour contrast

Its use has spread to many areas and in this post we will tell you how you can take advantage of it. Without further ado, discover what is and what is the use of laid paper.

What is laid paper?

It’s a unique type of paper, elegant and with excellent quality. It stands out for the texture provided by its delicate vertical and horizontal lines, visible over its entire surface.

This special finish or design of the laid paper is obtained in the manufacturing process. That is, when it is manufactured, it passes through rollers with specific marks or designs that are stamped on it and can be seen through the light.

What are the characteristics of laid paper?

Below, we show you some characteristics of the laid paper so that you can learn to identify it easily.

  • You can find it in a wide variety of colors, textures and thicknesses so you can choose the one that fits your needs.
  • Although it looks fragile, it is actually a very resistant and durable paper.
  • It is distinguished by a series of crossed lines on its surface that you will notice when you touch it or when the paper is exposed.
  • It is elegant and of high quality, characteristics that obviously increase its value in the market.
  • Its aesthetic design makes it so beautiful that it is widely used for fine cards and other sophisticated printing applications.
  • It is ecological, that is, made of biodegradable and totally recyclable material.


What’s the use of the laid paper?

The laid paper has various uses within the world of printing, art and packaging thanks to its texture, color and resistance. However, to further explore this point in Monouso we will tell you all the details:

Laying paper and printing

The laid paper is used to print wedding invitations, diplomas, academic titles, make decorations, among others. This, thanks to its highly appreciated texture and color, gaining a great utility within graphic design, advertising and printing.

It can also be used to bind books and as handwritten letter paper. Even the contrast between the ink and this paper is very pleasant to the eye.

Tracing paper and art

Nowadays, around the world many professional and inexperienced artists use the laid paper to shape their creations. This boom is mainly due to its contrast in color, weight, softness and feel.

Its use is more common in disciplines such as calligraphy, lettering and drawing with dry and wet techniques. This allows artists to give free rein to their creativity with charcoal or watercolor.

Also, it is very appreciated by fans of handwriting with fountain pen. You can use it as special paper for calligraphy and thus write completely straight.

Tracing paper and packaging

This type of paper has become the preferred paper for making bags, envelopes and gift wrap. This is due to its great resistance, elegance and exclusivity, compared to other similar materials.

The laid paper bags available in our online shop are ideal for introducing items of all kinds and are ideal for containing baked goods and pastries.

In addition, gift paper and laid paper envelopes are very attractive because this material has a beautiful and striking contrast of bright colors.

Why should I buy laid paper?

To answer this question we will tell you 5 reasons to buy laid paper:

  1. You will pleasantly impress your clientele with your sophisticated menu prepared in this exquisitely designed material.
  2. You will give a glamorous touch to your wedding, birthday or anniversary invitations by printing them on this type of paper.
  3. You will transmit more credibility and prestige by making your diplomas, credentials and recognitions in sworn paper.
  4. You will make a good impression if you wrap your gifts in gift paper or bags made of this high quality material.
  5. You will be able to show your artistic side through charcoal drawings.

If you liked to know what is and what is used for the perjured paper, then I invite you to visit our blog where we have more updated articles that can be very useful to you. We are waiting for you!

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