Which is the best laundry whitener

If you want to keep your whites as new in your wardrobe, you will need to wash them with special care and independently of the coloured garments, because if they are washed together, the whites will be damaged and lose their whiteness.
White clothes, bedding and even white curtains combine with any color and print, giving a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. The problem is that they last a short time clean, collars, cuffs, socks easily get dirty and stained, and if they are not washed properly the stains do not disappear.
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Care that we must have in the laundry
The formula for keeping your clothes white is simple:
- Separate clothes by colour, washing the white one separately.
- Turn all the clothes inside out, this will avoid the unpleasant knots that give the clothes an old look.
- Check the labels and select the ideal program and temperature. It is advisable to wash white clothes at the maximum temperature indicated on their labels, this way the detergent is more functional, it will eliminate any stain and the clothes will keep their whiteness.
- It is advisable to load the washing machine according to the kilos indicated in the machine’s instructions. In this way, its useful life will be extended. The clothes should move freely in the drum so that they are well cleaned. For delicate and wool clothes, the washing machine drum should not be filled more than halfway.
- We must be especially careful when rinsing our clothes, to avoid skin irritations, or if we suffer from any allergies.
- Our sun is a natural whitener of our garments, it keeps them whiter and brighter, and prevents them from turning yellow.
Which product is the best laundry whitener?
In order to keep our clothes white and also to extend their life, we recommend washing them with powdered detergent, as its components are based on active oxygen.
Another effective laundry whitener is bleach. It restores whiteness to our clothes and removes stains and dirt residue, easily disposing of with water and detergent. Bleach is a laundry whitener recommended for white and light-colored clothing made of cotton and synthetic fabrics, however it is not recommended for use on delicate silk, wool or nylon clothing. Bleach whitens clothes even with cold water, but we must understand that when washing at less than 40ºC it is difficult to eliminate certain germs, so for our clothes to be clean it is advisable to wash them at 50ºC or more.
Natural whitening products that we can have at home
- Lemon juice and salt: these restore whiteness to our white clothes and remove unsightly yellow stains from sweat and body cosmetics. Just mix in 2 or 3 litres of water the juice of several lemons, 200 grams of salt, immerse your garment with a little soap, let it rest for an hour, rinse it with plenty of water and then lay it out in the sun.
- Bicarbonate of soda. Baking soda will remove difficult stains from your linen. Just mix 3 tablespoons of bicarbonate in 2 liters of water, and powdered detergent, immerse your garment, leave it to work for 30 minutes and rinse with plenty of water and tend to the sun.
- Apple or white vinegar. Vinegar is another excellent laundry bleaching product for removing stains and unwanted odors. Wet the stain with a little vinegar, after 15 minutes rinse with plenty of water and wash as usual.
- Oxygenated water and ammonia. This is a very strong mixture that not all fabrics can withstand. Mix one litre of water, 5 drops of ammonia and 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide, mix perfectly, immerse the garment and leave to stand for 30 minutes. Finally, rinse with plenty of water and tend to the sun.
All these little tricks were used by our grandmothers to keep their clothes white and clean. Don’t forget to write down the ingredients! They are cheap, effective and most of them we have at home.
What care should we maintain with the laundry?
The following care should be taken…
Separate the garments by color, washing the whites separately.
Turn the garments inside out to avoid pilling, which gives an untidy appearance.
Choose the right program in the washing machine.
Do not overload the washing machine with more weight than necessary.
We must rinse the clothes properly to avoid irritations.
It is advisable to dry the clothes in the sun, a true natural bleach.
What is the best laundry bleach?
Powder detergent with active oxygen and bleach are the best laundry bleach.
What homemade laundry bleaches can I prepare?
1- Lemon juice and salt.
2- Baking soda.
3- Apple or white vinegar.
4- Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.
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