Discover new tips every day, we will help you with food and all the tricks of the trade.
we want you to become a good catering professional!
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🛍️ Buying guides 🛒

📚 Dictionary of hotel and catering trade 📚

download it now! The best guide to increase the number of customers in your hotel, restaurant and catering business.
⚠️ Food Safety 🦺

Monouso’s blog is a one-stop shop for anyone looking for information on catering accessories, disposable tableware, disposable cups, food packaging, catering supplies, festive decor, recipes and single-use or disposable products, among other things.
We avoid false commercial myths and always cover every topic with the latest data, which means we “get wet” on everything we cover.
Of course, you will see that we have a section reserved for Cooking Recipes. This section is reserved for you. On several occasions, you have asked us to publish essential recipes as if it were a good basic pantry. What’s more, we will publish here all the recipes you send us.
If there is anything else you would like Monouso to cover, please do not hesitate to contact us through one of the usual channels.