3 great advantages of using disposable cups and plates


If you are reading this post it is because you are considering starting to use disposable products and want to know what their benefits are. In the last few weeks there has been a lot of talk about disposable tableware because of its hygienic benefits and because of its safety against possible infections, but the truth is that disposable cups and plates have many more advantages that people don’t know about.

What are the benefits of using disposable cups and plates?

From Monouso we want to let you know the many advantages we find in using disposable tableware and we have summarized them in 3 main groups.

1. Hygiene and safety for restaurants and caterers

The most commented thing in these last days has been the security that single-use containers offer in restaurants and caterings before their reopening. Many restaurants have introduced a home service or have replaced table service only with take away service and have made use of disposable tableware to present the food and drink. This is a hygienic and safe way to ensure that the utensils do not come into contact with the virus, as they are disposed of once the customer has finished eating.

In this way, disposable cups and plates have become the key to offering a fast and, above all, safe and reliable service in the face of health alerts.


2. Save on water, cleaning products and time

According to a study by Canal de Isabel II, the average water consumption when washing dishes by hand in Madrid is 88.8l and the dishwasher consumption is 54.2 litres. This means that 2,664 litres of water are wasted if you wash by hand and 1,626 litres if you use a dishwasher. A very high water and energy expenditure considering that it is only a small part of the total water used in a household.

The consumption of disposable tableware provides you with great savings in energy, water and you should also add to that significant savings in cleaning chemicals. Not only that, but you will also save something very valuable to you: your time and that of your employees. Forget about all that time lost after lunch washing the dishes or rinsing them and putting them in the dishwasher.

In addition, as you reinvent your restaurant and adapt it to new circumstances, you will also have to reorganize your staff. At this point you can also save the figure of the dishwasher and relocate them to a new position where you need them more. For example, new positions will arise such as the order preparer or customer service by phone or in person where you will need it most.

At Monouso you can find cheap disposable plates that will help you save money and get you out of trouble at times when you don’t have time to waste on washing up.

3. A different design for each restaurant

If you think about disposable cups and plates and only the typical white ones sold in the supermarket come to mind, you have to broaden your perspective and know that there are many types of disposable tableware for every occasion. It’s not the same as an Indian restaurant, a brazier restaurant, a Japanese restaurant or a tapas bar.

The type of material, the shape of the plates and glasses or the colour have to be in line with the values, the type of food and the decoration of the restaurant. In this way, you will manage to create a stronger brand image and your customers will remember you for it. In this case, disposable tableware can be your great ally due to the variety of designs it offers.

There goes the problem of having only one set of dishes. There are lots of beautiful disposable plates for every type of restaurant, and here you can be very creative and surprise your customers.

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