Water and wine glass: differences, similarities and protocol

Do you want to equip your home or office with different types of glasses but don’t know which one to choose? Don’t you know the correct use of the protocol for water and wine glasses? In this article we will show you how to choose the right glass for every occasion.

In addition, we will show you the proper etiquette, depending on the drink you are about to serve. Stay with us until the end of the article to learn every detail of this interesting topic and how to choose the right glass of water or wine glass.

What are water glasses?

Each glass is designed to serve a particular beverage. Although the same glasses are often used for different purposes, this is not optimal.

Water glasses are usually slightly larger than glasses for other beverages. They tend to be spherical and domed. It should be noted that, on most occasions, water glasses are replaced by tumblers, since their use is accepted according to protocol. In addition, if the guest will be a speaker at the ceremony, a glass is usually used to facilitate its handling.

What are wine glasses?

You have already seen the particularities of water glasses in general. Now it is time to look at what wine glasses used in different contexts look like.

The exact shape and other characteristics of wine glasses will depend on the type of wine. They are classified into red wine glasses and white wine glasses.

  • Red wine glasses: They are different from water glasses, because although they are smaller in size, they have a wider bottom. In the same way, these glasses have a wider mouth than traditional water glasses.
  • White wine glasses: White wine is a drink that is characterized by being lighter than red wine. In addition, it needs to be drunk cold, so the glasses for this drink are smaller. Its shape is similar to that of red wine glasses, but with smaller proportions.

Differences between water and wine glasses

Not only the shape and size can determine the differences between water and wine glasses. Other details can mark the distance between these two utensils so common in our home and in restaurants. Let’s see what they are:

  • Capacity: Water glasses have a larger capacity than wine glasses. The latter, on the contrary, are designed to carry small portions.
  • Time of serving: Wine glasses are not served until the moment the food is consumed, or when the event formally begins. However, water glasses may be served even before the dinner or ceremony begins.
  • Serving Style: Water goblets allow for greater flexibility when it comes to serving. They can be filled to ¾ of their capacity. On the contrary, wine glasses rarely exceed 1/3 of their capacity.
  • Correct use: Wine glasses are used only once and should be replaced. On the other hand, water glasses can be used as many times as the guest requires hydration.
  • Substitute: You can replace the water glasses with crystal glasses. On the other hand, red wine glasses and white wine glasses have no substitute.

Similarities between water and wine glasses

There are not all differences when it comes to classifying water glasses and wine glasses. Some similarities stand out, and these can even confuse us. It is time to take a look at them to get to know the subject in depth:

  • Materials: Glass is the most common material when it comes to glass protocol. Both wine glasses, as well as glasses intended for water consumption, are made of crystal.
  • Occasions: At parties, ceremonies, speeches, weddings, and all kinds of protocol occasions, water and wine glasses may be present.
  • Presentation: Rarely are different ornaments or presentations mixed in a single set of glasses. That is why the same manufacturer is always chosen for water and wine glasses.
  • Care: Wine glasses and water glasses require the same maintenance and care to extend their useful life.

Protocol for glasses

Depending on whether they are water glasses or wine glasses, different protocols are followed at the moment of serving, as well as in the quantity and location of the glass on the table. Below you will be able to differentiate which protocol to follow in each case.

Protocol for water glasses

The time has come to show you the suggested use of water glasses. This way you can serve your guests with the formality and style they deserve:

  • Serving Time: Should be served before the meal begins, or at the start of the gathering.
  • Quantity: It can be filled up to ¾ of its capacity. It will all depend on the size of the glass.
  • Location: It is the first glass in the row of glasses.
  • Occasion: For all kinds of occasions and meals.

Protocol for wine glasses

Wine glasses also have their own protocol when they are served, depending on the occasion. We will show you how the administration of these glasses should be.

  • Time to serve: The wine glass is served next to the meals to start the banquet.
  • Quantity: They should not be overfilled. It is considered appropriate 1/3 of its capacity.
  • Location: It should be located on the right side, after the water glass if it is red wine, and followed by the white wine glass.
  • Accompaniment: For mild foods such as fish or any type of white meat.

Up to here our guide of use and comparison between water and wine glasses. Don’t leave without taking a look at how to clean and dry the glasses so they don’t lose their shine or how to create personalized glasses for a special celebration.

What are the differences between water and wine glasses?

We can distinguish 5 main differences:
– Capacity: water glasses have a larger capacity than wine glasses.
– When to serve them: they are served when the act itself begins.
– Style of serving: water glasses can be filled more.
– Correct use: wine glasses should be used once and replaced.
– Substitute: water glasses have a substitute (crystal glasses). Wine glasses do not.

What is the difference between red and white wine glasses?

Red wine glasses and white wine glasses are very similar, but the latter have a smaller size.

Differences in the protocol between wine and water glasses.

The protocol for a glass of water is more relaxed. It changes the moment to serve, the quantity, the location and the occasion.

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