How to use a beverage stirrer

How to use a beverage stirrer

A drink stirrer is a tool that allows you to make delicious cocktails in a few simple steps. However, there are cocktail recipes that require using the shaker in a special way.

Take a look at how to use a drink stirrer, its types and under what names you can buy them.

Steps to using a beverage stirrer

Steps for using a beverage stirrer

First, the non-alcoholic mixture must be prepared. To do this, use a mixing glass or blender. Once ready, it is set aside until serving.

How do you use the drink stirrer? Very easy.

To improve the aesthetics when you finish your drink, take it using your thumb, index and middle finger. Put it all the way to the bottom of the glass and start stirring in a vertical motion

Although we are used to making circular motions, the correct technique for using the stirrer is vertical motions. That way, we mix the ingredients in the glass

When to use a beverage stirrer

In which cases is a beverage stirrer used?

Depending on the cocktails, especially sparkling ones, it is preferable to use drink stirrers so that they do not lose their consistency and appearance.

Types of drink stirrers

Types of beverage stirrers

Each of them is manufactured for a specific purpose and a specific audience, as defined by the material they are made of.

Wooden drink stirrers

These stirrers are usually biodegradable and do not lose their style, especially when accompanied by decorative elements such as pieces of fruit or umbrellas.

Plastic or methacrylate drink stirrers

They are resistant, disposable and it is common to find models with different colours, sizes and shapes.

Metal drink stirrers

They are a very good investment because of their durability, quality and being easy to wash for frequent use.

Fluorescent drink stirrers

Last but not least are the fluorescent drink stirrers. They serve as decoration for drinks in discos, concerts and dark places.

As they are made with bright colours and glow in the dark, they are the main alternative if you are going to host a night party or the bar will be working at a celebration during the night.

What are the names for drink stirrers?

What are the names for beverage stirrers?

To avoid confusion and buying the wrong product, it is important to know under which names you can find these items.

Quality drink stirrers for your business

Quality beverage stirrers for your business

As for their shapes, you have sober models and other fun ones, so you can use them depending on the occasion your customers are celebrating and the character of the drinks.

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