Removing Lint from Clothes

One of the everyday problems we often have when it comes to dressing is how to get the lint out of our clothes. These annoying little balls with traces of fibres or lint can appear after the garment has been washed, due to improper treatment of the fabrics during use or by not following the washing instructions for these garments to the letter.
There is a great variety of fabrics that by their nature are very delicate, therefore, we must have a special care at the time of manipulating them to avoid that they are mistreated.
Stay with us and learn the secrets to remove lint from your clothes easily and effectively.
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Tips for removing lint from clothing
We all want to find the perfect solution to get rid of annoying lint, avoiding last-minute runs to show off a perfect, fashionable look.
But not all of us know how to remove the balls from our clothes, nor do we have the time needed to perform that task.
Here are some tips to help you solve this problem quickly and easily with materials available at home.
With these tips, you’ll be able to avoid the unpleasant surprise of dealing with the lint on your favourite garment just as you’re about to leave.
Lint removal with adhesive tape
Duct tape is an excellent option for removing lint from dark garments.
The easiest way to do this is to surround your hand with a piece of tape (with the adhesive side out) and rub the surface of the garment carefully until the lint on the fabric is removed.
You can repeat the process if the garment still has lint or if it has other residue adhered to it, such as your pet’s hair.
Scourer or dishcloths
A scouring pad or dishcloth is an everyday tool widely used in our homes. With this practical utensil you can also remove the lint from your clothes.
It is very simple, you just need to use a dry loofah and place the clothes extended on a flat surface to have a better support.
The lint should be passed very carefully and in one direction only. The idea is to cause as little damage as possible to the fabric when removing the lint.
In the case of the cloth, you should make sure that it does not shed any fibres or you will make the situation worse. Moisten the cloth a little and wipe it over the affected area.
Water sandpaper
Water sandpaper is a thin sheet capable of removing the lint balls present on your clothes
This tool, also used in the carpentry area, is so versatile that when you use it, it will allow you to eliminate the excess lint in your clothes.
To achieve this, just follow these steps:
- Look for a flat, rigid surface to place the lint.
- Spread the piece over the chosen surface.
- Bend the waterproof sandpaper to get a better grip.
- Carefully pass the sandpaper over the clothes in short, one-way movements. As you sand, the lint will accumulate and you will be able to remove it from your clothes.
Eyebrow profiler
The eyebrow profiler is an instrument used for beauty and personal care.
However, another use for these delicate blades is to remove lint build-up on the affected areas of your favourite garments.
You should start from the top of the clothes and, on a flat surface, pass the liner with smooth, short movements and avoiding rubbing to the bottom of the garment.
It is important to clean the lint that may get stuck between the profiler blade, this way you will avoid any possibility of friction that may cause irreparable damage to the garment.
Wet pumice
Generally, pumice is used to perform exfoliation treatments on our body or to remove traces of fat present in kitchen utensils.
Thanks to its texture, this porous rock, which comes from the Italian peninsula, is ideal for removing lint from your clothes.
To remove lint from any garment using the pumice stone you should keep the following in mind:
- The pumice stone you choose for this task must be clean and free of residues.
- It is important that the pumice stone is wet when you use it, this way you will avoid unnecessary friction on the garment.
- Hold the garment with the other hand once you have spread it out on a flat, firm surface.
- Pass the stone carefully, making short movements in the same direction, without applying excessive force that could damage the fibres of the clothes.
- Be patient and remember that removing the lint brings your garments back to life.
Lint roller
To finish off with these tips and to be experts in solving how to remove lint from clothes, we have the lint roller
This handy tool can be found in any store or supermarket and, like the tape, is designed to help us remove lint from our clothes.
The lint roller is so practical that you can carry it in your bag to solve any inconvenience, use it to clean the residue or crumbs from your car or take it with you at work and ensure an impeccable wardrobe.
Effective solutions for removing lint from clothes
To give more life to your clothes, it is important to take care of your clothes, as well as to eliminate accumulated lint.
Following label instructions and using the right products for cleaning can be effective solutions, but do they really solve the problem?
This is why it is necessary to have a plan B to solve in the best possible way the annoying presence of lint in our clothes.
By following these recommendations you will be able to have clothes that are as well cared for as the first day and that stand out from your wardrobe:
Before starting the washing process of your clothes:
- Separate garments according to their texture and color, this way you will prevent lint from sticking to the fibers and respond by removing the lint from dark clothes.
- Check that the washing machine filter is clean.
- Check garment pockets for lint or paper residue.
- Add a little vinegar during washing to avoid lint in the clothes.
- After washing the clothes, shake them before hanging them up.
- Follow the instructions carefully to remove the lint from your clothes without damaging them.
- Use manual lint removers, these implements will facilitate the task of removing lint from your clothes quickly, easily and without effort.
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