Toilet paper features: everything you did NOT know about this product

Do you use this product frequently and do not know how it is made? Do you want to know the most important details about toilet paper? In this entry you will find all the data and curiosities about it.

There are many uses for toilet paper and paper towels on an ongoing basis. However, little is said about the origin and evolution of this product. Stay until the end and we will show you everything

What is toilet paper?

papel higiénico

Toilet paper is nothing more than vegetable fibre, which can be pure or recycled. It is processed in large machines that mix it with chemicals and water to form a pulp. In addition, it goes through a processor to remove any excess water and burn all types of bacteria.

Toilet paper is designed for the human need of cleaning after defecation or urination. Its use became indispensable for anal and genital cleaning.

In addition to this, it can be used for other household tasks such as absorbing liquids, cleaning up spills, among others. When there are children in the house, the use of toilet paper is very common. Small children can spill liquids, or get dirty, and toilet paper will be very helpful.

History of toilet paper

Perhaps you think that toilet paper has always been as you know it today. I’m telling you that there was no such paper before. The Romans, the English and the French used certain objects and products that you can’t even imagine:

  • Magic brush.
  • Lettuce leaf.
  • Cold water from a riverbank.
  • Wool soaked in rose water.
  • Goose neck.
  • Rags.
  • Clay.

The history of toilet paper begins in China in the 2nd century BC. This is one of the most indispensable inventions for society. Over time it evolved until 1857, when the businessman Joseph C. Gayetty was the first to market toilet paper.

From there, variations and types of toilet paper have emerged, from the most economical to the most sophisticated.

Advantages and disadvantages of using toilet paper

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The regular use of toilet paper has been very controversial throughout history. Let’s see the main pros and cons around this product:


The benefits of toilet paper are numerous:

  • Economical: although there are high cost toilet papers, most products have an accessible price
  • Allied to health: the use of toilet paper brings healthiness to your body and your home.
  • Practical: you can take it everywhere without problems
  • Excellent texture: Toilet paper provides a very good experience unlike other objects with a more unpleasant texture.


May cause irritation: Some types of toilet paper may cause irritation to sensitive skin.

A bad use can cause infections: If you use paper improperly, you’ll be promoting infections in your private parts.

Types of Toilet Paper

tipos de papel higiénico

We will now show you which are the most common types of toilet paper in society. This will help you to find the ideal one for you.

Conventional: This is the one we use every day in our home or office. It is also very useful to take it with you when you travel or if you go for a walk. You can find it in any store, grocery store or supermarket.

There is a great variety of conventional toilet paper. It varies in budget, or by the amount of layers it contains.

Industrial: Industrial toilet paper is made for the use of many people. It is used to dry the skin or hands of workers within an industry, company, factory, shopping mall, restaurant and hotels.

These spaces should have roll holders to hold the paper roll and help unwind it easily. The roll holder has a safety lock, to prevent the paper from being lost or removed by users who usually benefit from it.

Raw materials for making toilet paper

The production of toilet paper requires a number of materials. These can be found or extracted directly from nature. Not to mention that chemicals are used for the correct final finish.

The combination and refinement of these materials has resulted in papers of varying quality. We see the materials used:

  • Cellulose pulp
  • Vegetable fibers
  • Water
  • Polypropylene or polyethylene
  • Perfume

In some cases, fragrances or additives are used which make their marketing even more specialized. For example, there are variants for people with skin sensitivity.

Main brands of toilet paper

If you are looking for a good brand of toilet paper, we will indicate the most purchased and recommended papers by users in the market.

This way you can take them into consideration when making your purchase. If you consider my recommendations, you will surely find a very good product in the Toilet Paper category. The brands are:

  • Scottex
  • Presto
  • Eroski compact
  • Mica Derm
  • Foxy silk
  • Enova skin care plus
  • Renova magic

In fact, some people do not stop to look at the markings on these papers. Although other more select users make a detailed investigation before making their purchase.

Tips for good toilet paper use

Next we will leave you a series of tips for the good use of the toilet paper that will help you to moderate your habits and to save your money. These tips are the following:

  • Washing your intimate parts after defecating is a good option and a good habit. You can also dry with some paper for greater convenience.
  • Rolling up toilet paper in your hand is a bad habit. You should tear off a section of 3 or 4 sheets to clean up after defecation or urination.
  • If your hands are dirty, I recommend washing them with soap and water before using the toilet paper. This will save you paper and money
  • If you save toilet paper you will avoid cutting down 70,000 trees a day. By saving paper we pollute less and help the environment by reducing the consumption of toilet paper.
  • Using dispensers in the industry, company, factory, mall, restaurant is a very good option if we talk about saving toilet paper

How you use your toilet paper directly affects your budget. You will be able to spend much less if you really put this product to more conscious use.

We have reached the end of our post dedicated to the characteristics of toilet paper. Don’t forget to check out our toilet paper handling tools. Follow us.

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