What is the capacity of a yogurt container?

¿Cuál es la capacidad de un envase de yogurt?

Knowing the capacity of a yogurt container can save a Sunday afternoon at home, doesn’t it? Keep reading and you’ll understand why.

On weekend evenings many families gather around the kitchen. We like to experiment with new flavours added to our more traditional recipes.

If we want the recipes to become the expected dessert we must ensure that we have the necessary tools and the highest quality ingredients that our budget allows.

For example, when we are preparing a recipe that requires exact measurements as in baking, knowing how many ml a glass has or having a measuring cup with us can be very helpful.

If we can’t get this kind of measurement tools we can choose to do everything by calculation. A measure of approximation that can result in a great disaster and loss of money.

Another option is using containers that we probably have at home. One such container is a yogurt container.

If you don’t have one at home, it’s quicker and easier to go out and buy a yogurt than to go buy a measuring cup.

The yogurt containers have a capacity of 125 ml. If we make a simple calculation we will obtain how much is in grams, so our yogurt container can be converted into a measuring cup.

Here are some measures that will help you when using the capacity of a yogurt container as a measuring cup and make your recipes without any difficulty.

Calculating measurements with a yogurt container

Cálculo de medidas con un envase de yogurt

As we said, not having a measuring cup is no reason to worry or put off your plans until you have one.

With an average yogurt container you can measure 125 milliliters of some liquid in a simple and easy way.

But that’s not all, with that same container of yogurt you can count 130 g of white or brown sugar. You can also calculate 90 grams of the flour you prefer.

In case you need more than one ingredient, just make a simple approximation calculation.

For example, if you need 250 g of sugar for a recipe, you should use two containers of yogurt. The first one, when you fill it, will give you 130 g of sugar. The second container should not be filled completely. With a little less you will calculate the missing 120 g.

Proportions according to dry or liquid ingredients

Proporciones según ingredientes secos o líquidos

When you search on your computer for the recipe of a dish you want to cook, the ingredients are usually expressed in cups and grams.

These measurements are visible on the measuring cups to determine the amount of food you are serving and will use during preparation.

Depending on the continent you are on, a cup has more or less capacity. For example, in America a cup holds 240 ml while in Oceania it holds 284 ml.

In addition to cups, spoons are another important measure in recipes. They are used to measure ingredients that should have little presence within the preparation.

Some of the measures you will need to cook any recipe and get the expected results are


One teaspoon of liquid: 5 milliliters

One teaspoon of salt: 5 grams

One teaspoon of sugar: 5 grams

One spoonful of flour: 10 grams

One spoonful of salt: 10 grams

One spoonful of sugar: 10 grams

One teaspoon of flour 3 grams

Two tablespoons of liquid: 25 ml


Two cups of liquid: ½ liter

Four cups of liquid: One liter

One cup of yogurt: 220 grams

One cup of sugar: 180 grams

One cup of oil: 224 g

One cup of flour: 110 grams

One cup of rice: 200 grams

One cup of butter: 150 grams

Measurement conversions

One gram: 0.0053 ounces

One ounce: 38.35 grams

One kilogram: 2.2 pounds

One pound: 16 ounces

One pound: 453.6 grams

Can I prepare a pastry recipe without a measuring cup?

Indeed, if you have a yogurt on hand, it will be much easier to make the recipe.

Are there differences between countries?

Yes, for example, the Australian measuring cup can be a few millimeters longer than the English one.

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