What is wick paper and its uses in the hospitality industry


Have you ever heard of wick paper, also known as chemine paper? Probably not, as this name is quite unknown; however, this product is more than indispensable for the hospitality industry.

The wick or chemine paper is a super absorbent paper bovine, which is used in dispensers for hand drying. This material is one of the most hygienic, not to mention that it can drain up to five times its weight in water, isn’t that great?

Remember those dispenser rolls you usually get in public bathrooms? That’s what we’re talking about, however, this product has many other uses to offer.

This is why we at Monouso have decided to point out some of its benefits for the hotel and catering industry. You will find that this material is extremely versatile and convenient for your business.

Keep reading!

Know all the advantages of wick paper


There is a reason to find this bovine in almost every bar, restaurant and establishment: it is economical, efficient and easy to install.

This roll of paper only needs a base on the wall, which is not at all expensive. Once placed, you only need to insert the cardboard tube of the bovine into the base and your dispenser is complete.

However, this bov is not reserved only for bathrooms and establishments; on the contrary, it is essential for a wide variety of environments, such as:

  • The kitchen. These must preserve very high cleanliness conditions, which inevitably involves the employees. Towels and tissues have proven to be unhygienic, as they tend to accumulate sweat and dirt. Nothing to worry about with a practical, disposable product like wick paper.
  • Crystals. There is no material more suitable for cleaning the windows of your business than paper wick. Again, its absorbent capacity allows you to rinse all types of glass in a matter of minutes, check it out!
  • Tables. In case you run out of napkins, you can use this product to replace them. All you have to do is make a few extra folds and no one will know the difference.

Discover the additional uses of the chemine paper roll

Believe it or not, this product still hides a couple of utilities you can’t miss, which are

  • Personal presentation. During a busy service, staff may not have time to wash themselves properly. A sweaty face is, for many, a very bad presentation. This will not be a problem if the staff have chemine paper, not to mention that it is much more discreet than tissue.
  • The home. Cleaning each individual starts at home. By implementing this resource in your pantry, you will keep your hands completely dry and bacteria free when cooking.

Knowing all the utilities of wick paper, you only need to access our online store Monouso to acquire your reels. Likewise, you will be able to access a wide catalogue of indispensable products for the hotel and catering industry.

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