Difference between slackers and window cleaners

Home cleaning has many products and objects that can help you maintain the hygiene of any corner. Among them we will mention two that, although they have different cleaning functions, often cause confusion. We are talking about window cleaners and window slackers
Know what the uses of these two tools are, how many types of window washers and window slackers there are and how to use them correctly to make your home look new.
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What are window cleaners?

Window cleaners are an invention designed with the aim of easily cleaning the glass we have in our home, office or anywhere else.
Made of stainless steel or plastic, they consist of a handle attached to a rubber edge to clean the windows without scratching the glass.
The design is perfectly suited to all types of glass and structures, offering the ability to clean down to the smallest detail in hard-to-reach corners where other cleaning tools or attachments would not reach.
As they are part of the most commonly used objects for household cleaning, there are currently different types of glass cleaning devices such as magnetic glass cleaners, electric glass cleaners and automatic glass cleaners, among others.
Window cleaners are used by a large number of people at home to sanitize the windows, but there are also professional window cleaners for cleaning premises, buildings and large glass-covered surfaces.
Complements of the window cleaners
To achieve a complete cleaning of the surfaces you want, the window cleaners have as complements the well-known window cloths.
Window cloths made of leather are the perfect choice if you are going to clean windows, large windows or glass. After they have finished cleaning, they leave no traces of lint or drying.
Also, the microfiber cloths are useful for this cleaning task, but we must be careful not to find solid objects so as not to scratch the glass while cleaning it.
In case you need to clean tall windows and you find it difficult, telescopic extensions of different sizes are sold, so you can clean every last corner of the window without having to climb stairs.
How do you clean with a window cleaner?

Before you start cleaning the windows, it is important to evaluate the dirt on the glass. It is not the same process to clean a dirty window with dry rain drops as it is to clean a dirty window with stains caused by mud.
First you must clean the windows with soap and water to remove the dirt, and continue with the cleaning process without some particles preventing you from doing it.
Soap and water will help the dirt fall easily, so you don’t have to work so hard to remove it.
Once you have done this, clean the window with the help of a window cleaner. To remove the rest of the water, wipe the window cleaner with a squeegee.
What is a slob?
The loafer was an invention of the Argentinean José Fandi, under the name of floor dryer. Before starting to sell them, fishermen used them in Europe to remove water from the deck of their boats.
Fandi created the slacker as we know it. He made it with a wooden stick that had a groove on the bottom into which he inserted a rubber that was made from a car wheel.
When he first used it, he realized that because it was designed in two pieces, the rubber would come off when he moved it to remove the water.
For this reason, he redesigned it into a single piece so that the rubber would not come off and could be cleaned with ease.
Complements of the slacker
The cleaning slackers are sold separately, in sizes of 45, 55 or 75 cm. They are also sold with a handle included to make the task of removing the water easier or with a water collector.
Lazy people have a light structure made of aluminium, stainless steel and plastic. It has a double sheet of rubber to facilitate the cleaning of the water.

How to clean with a slacker?
Cleaning with a loafer is one of the easiest tasks to perform in the home, no matter if you are going to take out the water or pick it up.
In case there is garbage in the place where the water you are going to clean is, pick it up with a shovel and a broom.
Just push the slack in the direction you want to direct the water and repeat the procedure several times to leave the floor dry.
Difference between slackers and window cleaners
Although window washers and window slackers are products with great similarities in appearance, they have different functions within household cleaning.
The slacker works to collect or remove water from any place such as houses, buildings, boats, butchers or industrial warehouses, among others; and in case of flooding.
On the other hand, the glass cleaner works to remove dirt or water from glass surfaces ensuring that every last corner is clean.
What’s the difference between a water washer and a window cleaner?
The squeegee works by collecting and removing water in houses, buildings, boats, butcher shops, industrial buildings…
The window cleaner, on the other hand, removes dirt or water from glass surfaces.
Are they complementary tools?
Yes, they are indeed tools used to clean and remove dirt.
What is the fixed structure of the haragán?
Its structure is light and is made of aluminum and stainless steel.
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